Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

Yesterday's sunrise.

Not really liking porch time right now.  Another highway is closed for construction, so the detour goes by our place.  Too many semi-trailers for sure.

Got the car into the shop at 11:30am yesterday, and had it done by 1:30pm.  There was literally no weeding time after all that running around.  Just glad it's done.

Short post today.  We are dragging our feet with the night shift business.


  1. Beautiful sunrise. Rain has stopped play once again here, so no gardening for me today.

  2. mamasmercantile, we are in a dry spell, and now super hot. Same as last year.

  3. All so positive and newsy. Glad to get this. Brightened up my day.
    Still dealing with low back left leg problems. Was hospitalized for 3-4 days in early June for it. They ran all kinds of tests - Xrays, CT Scans, MRI and found nothing. So danged aggravating. Then I went to first PT appointment on 7/2 (took me more than a month to get in there), and after a lot of questions along with poking and plodding, she suddenly said, "I know what it is. You have a displaced pelvis." Well, glory be.
    So she sent me home with a leaflet of 7 exercises to do, and my left leg started swelling and hurting so badly, I was in tears again. It was 4th of July holiday weekend, so the PT office was closed. Bro Tom went to Walmart and spoke to the pharmacist there. She said it sounded like I did something wrong in the exercises I was given. To stop them and put ice, ice, ice on the swelling. So that's what I did (and am still doing), until I could call the PT office Monday morning. When they heard, they said the very same thing - to stop everything but ice and Tylenol until my next visit which is Thursday. So that's where I am right now. Hobbling around like a little old lady. I'm 72, but for years people thought I was in my 50s, so it's like I've aged 20 years in just a few months. :(
    But, I'm still above the grass, and Daddy said "Any day above the grass is a good day." And I believe that. It's a day to love others and pray and Praise God!!!
    Prayers ya'all are having a great week.
    God bless.


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