Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

So much to do. . .

Monday night was not so fun.  We still have the car one daughter wrecked, and it needed a new tire.  We fired it up and I drove behind Hubby to go deliver it.  First we jumped it.  Then while on our way, she called and the car she was borrowing needed a jump.  Hubby went to do it while I went to the store.  She took off, and he went to start up her car and it wouldn't.  I stopped and he got another jump.  We finally got her car there, but noticed a light on her rear view mirror not going off.  Finally figuring out what was draining the battery, we took off and went home.  What a night.

Shopping is basically a horror.  Long lines, crazy busy....I'm all for a no present Christmas.  Oye.  The dollar store, was once again out of parchment paper (for the umpteenth time).  I will have to visit another store, as they are never stocked properly anymore.

Our current internet provider has already raised their price.  I have one last company to call and see if we can get service from them way out here in the boonies.  It would cut our costs more than half if we could switch.  I do not like the one we have - horrible service.

I have so much to do, to get this house ready for the gathering we will be having.  I also have to grocery shop.  I hope to make homemade rolls again.  I have one kitchen table cleaned off and ready, but the other is another story.  It's piled with outdoor lights, extension cords, un-cracked walnuts, and other stuff that needs to be put away.

It's a day for list making too - list of seeds needed for next year's garden, a list of items needed at the store, a list of new items to make for spring shows, a list for what needs handmade yet for Christmas.  Lists are terrifying some times, but much needed for my brain that can't remember much on a busy crazy day.  I need to pull out all of my recipes for the upcoming holidays too.  

Here's how crazy our gathering week will be - on the gathering day we'll have a gift exchange, a kid gift exchange, a baked good exchange and two birthdays that fall on that very same day.  Yeah, I will be baking a birthday cake for Daughter, while another will bake one for the other family member.  As you probably guessed, we opted out of all the gift exchanges.  We have an upcoming anniversary to celebrate, and we don't need gifts.  We just want to spend time with the family.  Of course we'll be gifting birthday gifts to our youngest.

Guess what?

I'm finally getting eggs again.  It's about time.  Woo hoo!  

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits

We literally went through 3 pots of coffee before Hubby was off to work and Daughter off to school.  Hubby asked me not to decorate the tree, and wait for him to get home.  He wanted to do it as a family.  He hates Mondays, so I was skeptical.

Breakfast scramble this week - sweet potato/potato/bacon and swiss chard.

The lights blink slow then fast.  Battery operated.  Just love these new additions to our Christmas this year.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday Teabag Tidbits

Sunday morning we gathered for breakfast with Hubby's family.  It's a tradition every now and then for someone to host.  We eat, talk, mingle and enjoy time with the family.

We were all exhausted, so we had only one plan, or should I say two?  We drove to the orchard and restocked my cinnamon sticks, and sorghum, but I still need honey in a bad way.  They wanted $14.00 for a little bear, and we've gotten a 1/2 gallon for that price.  Hmpf.

We also needed to pick up straw.  We made arrangements for a family member to order it along with his hay for his horse.  Hubby drove out and low and behold - no straw.  Another hmpf.  He paid, re-ordered, and will pick up another day.  

The rest of the Sunday?  Relax.  

It's a brisk 22°F here today, and they say we'll not see the sunshine.

I do believe it's time to get back to cleaning up, organizing, and getting this house ready for Christmas.  I still need to put more ornaments on one Christmas tree.

Our new ornament on our blue tree.  A long time couple, we stayed friends with, from our workplace (where I met Hubby), gifted us this.  Love it!  

One of the kiddos came out with her boyfriend, for a visit. 

I've gotten some word of mouth orders, through having participated in the last craft show.  I've sold a necklace, two scarves, a hat, and now possibly two ornaments.  I'm pretty happy with our progress this winter.

On a last note, we lost "Annie" yesterday.  My auracana that had broken her leg.  Such a sad day for us, but part of homesteading too.   

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sunday Wrap Up ~ Elixir Inquiry ~ Tidbits

I succeeded in restocking all of these for a craft show yesterday.  They were the hot sellers in the previous show, and sold out of all the camper ornaments and scrubbies, and most of the headbands.   This last show?  Well not one camper or headband sold, but I sold other items.  As well as an opportunity (would be my second location) to sell my soap saver bags on consignment with a local business.  I made one outside sale, possible two more as well.  So all in all, a pretty good December.  However, I am whooped.  Tired.  Worn out.  Looking forward to the rest of the month off and enjoying family and friends.

Question:  Does anyone have a recipe for elderberry elixir?  I have lost mine.

We woke up to a brisk 15°F.  Our pole light would not even come on, it's that cold right now.  Of course I woke to no wood on the hearth, so once I got that job done, it was coffee time.  I was up at 4:30am.  Not sure why I can't sleep, so I'm going to down some Valerian tea tonight.

My hen is in isolation now.  She has a new splint, and is by herself in the "emergency" coop.  She is eating and drinking, so hopefully over time she'll heal up like Sparta did when he broke his leg.  I have no idea how she did it, but glad my daughter was out to help the other day.

Friday, December 7, 2018

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. . .

Tree #1 up.  Blue lights this year.  And yes, it's in one of the bathrooms.

Tree #2 up.  

Tree #3 up.

Tree #4  up.  Here are a few of the hundreds of handmade ornaments I made that will be going on it.  I'm reviewing them all to see what I'll be making and selling next year too.

Instructions on how to make this one is :  Here

Tree #5 is being debated.  I need a place to put it, ha ha!

In the midst of taking inventory, I realized we sold out of the dish scrubbies last weekend  I spent the day restocking, but colors are limited due to lack of netting.  I restocked the headbands, and added more color options too. Needless to say, the house is a mess due to lack of cleaning, ha ha!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Finished and other Tidbits

The camper ornaments are restocked.  I have 3 more I can assemble for extras if I have time too.

I finished another Harley Davidson inspired lapghan.

I have 3 snowflake dishcloths made too.

I hope to have photos soon of our Christmas trees.  I've been crocheting like a mad woman, so only about 15 ornaments made their way to the main Christmas tree.  Needless to say, the housework isn't getting done and I'm so far behind on my to-do list, ha ha!

I forgot to fetch a load of firewood last night, and Hubby came home feeling ill.  It's on top of the to-do list today. 

Daughter took my car to drive herself to the school for musical auditions, we were to drive over later to meet up for the National Honor Society Induction.  We dressed up and headed out to the truck, only to find it wouldn't start.  We had not used it since it was borrowed, so we think they put cheap gas in it.  We hope to get it running soon.  We were pretty sad we could not be there for Daughter, but she was understandable with us.

I'm so thankful I made sage tincture.  It's been a blessing for sore throats here.  It will be doubled next year, making 2 jars vs. 1.  I may plant another sage plant in the spring too.  

My hen that we put a splint on, is doing okay.  She's still hobbling around, so fingers crossed.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday Tidbits

It is in our hopes that Jesse's Mom lets us keep him permanently.  He's had to go out more often due to tumors on his bladder, and he's getting up in the age that surgery is not a good option (he's already had a few).  I felt so bad for him the other night, when he could not get up on our bed.  I pat the bed now, and he'll put his front feet up and wait for me to help him up.  Then he curls up and sleeps.

He's also eating better with homemade food, and I doubt that his Mom will do that for him.  He's been like glue with me most days too and loves to help me feed the chickens.  

He's been getting me up too early, but I do feel it's because he loves to eat again.  Oh my gosh, and you should see how excited he gets when the school bus rolls up, or when Hubby gets home.  He always makes me smile how he trots after both of them for some love.  In fact, I told Hubby that Jesse could use a playmate, so we are seriously considering a puppy next spring.  

My project basket has been overflowing with good progress.  This will be for the last craft show of this year.  Photos to come soon. 

Yesterday was a full day of crochet, several loads of laundry a trip to the "Big City" to return rental movies, pick up chocolates for Christmas baking, a delivery to one daughter, a stop at the grocery store, and dinner with one daughter.  Last night I actually slept past 5:30am.

One of my hens, an araucana, has hurt one of her legs.  We popcicle sticked her leg with tape, in hopes to heal it.  I will be checking on her first thing this morning.  Not sure what happened.