Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, May 13, 2013

Back to Work

The birthdays and Mother's Day are over now, and it's back to work for me.  Last night, the temperatures were to go as low as 31°F.  Brr!  Today, the high is not even up to 60°F, but the flower beds out front, need weeded.  The temperature is to rise up to the 70's all week long, after today.

The roses were a gift to me on Mother's day, along with the new basket filled with garden gloves, a new water bottle, and sun screen.

...and jewelry (and more I forgot to photograph)

...and hand written cards and poetry

...and my son is in the process of drawing me this.  I also received a new book, some coffee and cheese cake.  I have yet to eat a piece.

Both my son and I, and a few others are still fighting off head colds.  I backed out of going to the movies, and opted for crocheting and reading at home.  Yesterday, Hubby fixed dinner so I wouldn't have to. 

Today, I should have a few more stalks of asparagus to pick, and need to weed flower beds.  However, the warm weather planting is just beginning this week.  It will be tougher to fit in my writing time now.   

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's DayThat's me up on the horse, in front of my two sisters and oldest brother.  Mom and Dad are standing. 

Writing Letters

I've been using my rubber stamps to spruce up plain writing paper to hand write letter with.  I only have one color of ink, and a few stamps, and still I am having fun with them.  I am stamping my envelopes too.

I can see that I will need to save up and get a few more colors of ink and a few more stamps (of my favorite things).  I got these pads of paper at a very low price, and can reuse my stamps for anything.

Mom is getting a hand written/homemade Mother's Day card.  My Aunt is getting a hand written letter this week too.  Anyone else writing letters/cards this month? 

Happy Mother's Day to all!  

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Camera Crazy

You know you are camera crazy, when you sons comes in the house, tells you there's a vulture in the road, and you get so excited running through the house to get your camera, and run outside to photograph it (for your family's bird photo album), that the dogs think you are being attacked.  

To be honest, I was too far away, and should have crept up closer and hunkered down in the grass for a more concise photo.  But the heads on these things intrigue me.  

This morning, I took Sadie (one of the dogs) out to do her business, and spotted this little guy.  I've seen him/her flying around the place, and told myself I would get a good photo.  Well, I propped my elbows on the trash can for this one, but a bird above me started squawking, and off went the yellow finch. 

My Birthday

 I turned 29 (again) yesterday.  He he!  My 19 year-old gifted me these beautiful flowers.   Aren't they pretty?  My gifts were a complete surprise.  I never expected my kids to buy me anything.  I told them I just wanted a clean house.

My 21 year-old son gifted me a Blue Ray player.  You should have seen me trying to use the remote.  Where's the play button?  Where's the pause button?  Ha ha ha!  The cool part is, is that there is a "netflix" button on it too!  Yay!

My mother and kids gifted me these beautiful cards.  Mom's card contained a little extra somethin' that I will save for my weekend on the island.  My youngest daughter gifted me with a coupon for a breakfast sandwich - Yum!  My 13 year-old's card contained wishes from her school friends.

And I received many Happy Birthday text messages and some Happy Birthday e-mails.

My 11 year-old, with the help of her 16 year-old sister, baked me chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  Yum!  She even hunted down a birthday candle for me.  Then, they filmed me eating it (not so pretty, but funny anyway).

With my birthday yesterday, I thought about a list I started years ago. Kind of like a "bucket" list I guess.  So, last night I started a new list of "Things I want to do" and will compare it to my old list (if I can find it).  


Friday, May 10, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jesse's Update

I finally talked to the vet.  The mass that was removed from Jesse's foot was cellulitus.  This is caused by a previous puncture to the area. 

We knew that there were two puncture marks, but could not come to a conclusion until the vet and I talked - a possible snake bite.  Which makes complete sense.

Thankfully, Jesse does not have cancer, but is going back to the vet today for removal of his stitches and medication.

(see blog post : Another Snake Came to Visit)

From what we've see around here, it could have been a nasty bite from a black water snake.  They are very aggressive snakes, and we have them in the creek, and the ditch that drains between the creek and the farm fields.   We've even seen them in our septic lines that feed to the cap area.