Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, April 13, 2013

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

Today I am thankful for:

 ~ Organic bath salts for sore muscles

 ~warming, organic coffee

~for the library, and it's free access to books

~for God's Promises

~for hugs from my kids

~for the milk our goat's produce

~for the wrens singing outside

~for radio stations that continue to play uplifting, and inspirational music

~for soft cozy slippers

~for the pink carnations, and pink and white daisies on my kitchen windowsill    

Toxic Toothpaste? ~ Vaccine Update

The holistic professional I speak with, explained to me once, that she does not use manufactured toothpaste.  She said it is too toxic.  

I too, started making my own toothpaste, but wanted to share this article about it, for those interested:  Is Your Toothpaste Making you Stupid?

And for a long time now, I have had my doubts about some of the vaccine's that are pushed on us.  Here is an article on the update:  Vaccine Legislative . . .

And why I buy organic (anything, not just rice), or grow/raise it myselfLead levels in rice. . . 

Just sharing for those interested.

Friday, April 12, 2013

From the Handiwork Journal . . .

. . . started my crocheted shawl, and love this pattern I received from another farmgirl.  It looks like the one from Little House on the Prairie.  I had trouble deciding on color, so I may make a second one in a red.  I will post a photo when it is completed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Giveaway ~ Another book

This month's used book giveaway is The Cat Who Went Bananas, by Lilian Jackson Braun.  This is a used paperback that I purchased at the all-island garage sale days last fall.

Simply be the first to post that you want it, and it's yours.

Fun Trivia I learned from this book:

Mulligatwany is a soup, and it is mentioned in a Dr. Suess book.

Skuunk water is basically a local mineral water found in Moose County.

Indefatigable means:  "persisting tirelessly"

Ailurphobe means:  "a person who hates or fears cats"

*definitions are from on-line dictionaries


From the Homesteading Journal . . .

 . . . installed our very first rain barrel (USA made).  We plan to install more, but want to check out more options on styles (and making them ourselves).  This one holds 55 gallons and will be close to the garden for watering it.  I also have a recipe to make this water drinkable, if ever it was needed in an emergency.  I have been doing some research on rain barrel care, and recently read that you should paint your barrel a darker color, in order to keep the sun from affecting the water inside.  This one can be hooked to another barrel, and we do plan to consider making our own.  Our goal is to install 2 (possibly 3-4) more in the next few years.  Here is a link to information if you are considering installing a rain barrel:  The Redeemed Gardener:  Maintaining a Healthy Rain Barrel.

. . . made a batch of homemade goat's milk ricotta cheese.  I used it to bake Lasagna Ruffles and some cookies.

. . . started cleaning out my flower beds. 

. . . Misty (our youngest goat) gave birth to a baby boy. 


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First Day Back in the Gardens and a Backyard Snapper

After a long day working at cleaning out flower beds (more to clean yet), I went inside to clean up.  I glanced out the window and saw something in the yard.

At first I thought the hawks killed one of our chickens and it was just laying there, by the ditch that runs off the creek.   Then it moved.  Check out all that mud on it's back.

By golly, this guy (or gal) had a shell of about 12 inches or longer.  Yesterday was an interesting day for me.  I saw two hawks, two low flying geese, and this turtle.  I also heard wrens singing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

More Auntie Mail

In the recent box my Aunt sent me, there were a few more items to share. 

... a loom for No-Needle Knitting.  The instructions she sent me are the original pages from a 1978 Woman's Circle Magazine.  How cool is that?

...and she sent me some vintage stencils for decorating fabric and such.