Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, May 17, 2010

The case of the missing catnip

Where oh where did the catnip go? Once drying on this herb drying rack, it's suddenly missing? One orange, and very curiuos cat, is enjoying it somewhere in teh house.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Horses and Farmwives ~ New Research Projects

Since eHow was purchased by Demand Studios, and writers give all rights to any new articles, I have not written anything new for them.  I've looked over the site. I'm not sure I want to give all rights.

Instead of publishing any new articles on-line, I have spent some time at the local library (as well as spring cleaning the house). 

I've been researching horses (and goats) recently.  Right now I am reading and learning about Thoroughbreds.  While I was ordering books through the inter-loan program, I ordered The Soul of a Horse, Life Lessons from the Herd, by Joe Camp.  My 16 year-old daughter has already noticed it and wants to read it too.

I have a habit of just walking through the library, scanning the shelves and just picking books by random.  I recently pulled Speak to the Earth, Pages form a Farmwife's Journal, written by Rachel Peden.   It was printed in 1974, but contains information from newspaper articles from 1961 and 1966, relating to farming.  Interesting stuff for sure.

5 Reasons Why I Love You ~ Written by an 8 year old

Of course I have corrected the spelling.
1.  You are always with me.
2.  You never lose me.
3.  You look after me.
4.  You smell like love!
5.  You love me.

(another special Mother's Day gift from one of my daughters)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sharpening pencils remind me of ice cubes and ice cube trays

I know it sounds strange, but if you are a stay-at-home mom, you will understand.  It's one of those chores you do that no one notices until it's not there and then complains.  I cleaned out our "junk" drawer today.  It's not really a "junk" drawer, but holds pencils, rubber bands, phone books, etc.  I organized it again and sharpened every pencil - again. 

I fill the ice cube trays, dump them and fill them again.  When there aren't any, they notice.  When it's full they are satisfied.  But if I leave an empty ice cube tray on the counter, they complain someone didn't fill it, even if they don't fill them themselves.

Maybe the kids will learn something as they write in their gratitude journals this month. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mother's Day Gifts ~ Handmade

The top photo is a picture my 18 year old son did with drawing pencils (on mat board). He is so talented and I plan to have it professionally framed. Below that are two bracelets. The "Go Mom" was made by my 8 year old daughter, and the macrame one with pink beads was made by my 13 year old daughter. I'm so glad I encouraged them to participate in a "homemade" Christmas last season, and that participating in the Farmgirl Connection merit badge program encouraged me.

My 16 year old daughter went to a birthday overnight party, and the first thing she asked was "what can I make her?" Needless to say she made a Paint Splatter gift/storage box for two gifts (for two parties). I'll post the instructions on S.C.R.A.P.

I'm glad the kids have been influenced to be more creative and to live more "green" around here. They have so many talents they don't even know they have yet. The macrame bracelet was her own pattern, and not from a book too.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Scraping with buttons ~ Earrings

Another pair of fun button earrings I made by using jump rings to connect them .

Dog Funny

Yesterday, while my oldest daughter was out giving water to the chickens, her dog (pictured above) was out running around. The second school bus pulled in and stopped in the usual spot in our horseshoe shaped driveway. This crazy, but loving dog, walked right up the bus steps to great them! I guess she wanted to go to school!
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