Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunshine Galore!

I could  not resist.  Today I have towels on the line.  The sun is out if full force and there is a breeze.  I have to say it sure looks funny to see the towels on the line, and still have snow on the ground.  One more task that saved us money.

The chickens are outside enjoying the sun too!

Thank you God for this glorious sunshine!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Medical bills, exercise and weight loss

The kids accident has put everlasting memories on all of us.  After we regained our sanity, we can now have a conversation without tears,.  However, I am drowning in medical bills.  Aftern numerous phone calls, calling and calling and sitting on hold, I am now a firm believer of getting everyone in shape and staying that way. 

Keeping the doctors visits down to a bare minimum will save us money, and we will live healthier and longer lives.  Although the medical bills are from an accident, I am seriously looking at my health, and everyone else's health (kids, husband) differently.  Now, don't get me wrong.  That doesn't mean I am running out and getting a physical, mammogram and everything else that's required at my age.  It means I am faithfully exercising daily, watching what we eat more than ever, and drinking more water than juice and pop.

Then, just maybe, after I lose weight and get in shape, will I consider getting my physical.  Maybe.

After I challenged myself to 30 days of walking for at least 10 minutes a day, I lost 2 pounds.  I missed one day and the other days were anywhere up to 20 minutes of walking.  Now, I am up to 30 minutes and some days, I walk 1 hour.  I feel better, but I have a loooooong ways to go.

I'm getting a lot of reading done on the treadmill these days, but I should have invested in a Large Print Bible.  I could be reading my daily reading while walking too.  I've influenced the kids too.  I know have to fight for the treadmill.  They come toting books and invade my room for hours.  At least they are staying fit.

Now....if I could just stop eating Milk Duds while I sit and read my Bible.....and whoever said prunes were tasty must have been sleep deprived. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Holy Cow! An Earthquake and we didn't even know it!

I took my laptop to the library to observe people while the two younger ones were in a program.  About a half hour of typing "boring" and "no juicy action" there was a huge rumble.  My 13 year old was sitting at a table with me and we both looked up at each other.

"What was that?"

"I don't know?" she answered with raised shoulders.

"Sounded like the roof was coming down!"

I continued to type, and after getting frustrated with no one to "observe" I put the computer away.  I read a bit of my Bible and soon we had to leave.

After we arrived home, I got a text from Mom.  There was an earthquake in a town 10 miles from our house and further from where we were at the library.  An earthquake.  I couldn't believe it.

My son was home, and after sharing the news, he said that the dogs went crazy about that time.  I guess they started barking when it happened.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are on-line surveys that pay money worth the time?

Well, I gave it a try anyway.  I figured what do I have to lose?  Well, time is what I really lost.  I registered with and found it to be a disappointment.  For the first seven surveys that were e-mailed to me, that I did complete, only one earned me points.  These points go towards cash pay out or shopping.  Either way, each survery I received stated that it rewarded so many points when completed.  After I completed them, it stated that I did not qualify and I received one entry into a drawing.  After earning about 16,000 points, and needing 60,000 for my first pay check, I lost my survey mojo.  I'd rather be throwing snowballs with my kids.  There are better ways to spend my time.

How to Find Your Inner Child While Parenting in Your 40's |

How to Find Your Inner Child While Parenting in Your 40's

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jasper the Naughty Cat ~ The Missing Tissue Paper Flowers

Oh I wish I had a camera that video taped constantly around here.  Not that I would want my life on the Internet, but these cats of ours are hilarious!  I wish I could have gotten a picture of video clip of Jasper running through the house carrying a tissue paper flower attached to a chenille stem. 

The girls made tissue paper flowers over the weekend, and I fell in love with them.  Immediately I stole two of them, and the vases they crafted, and placed them in two kitchen windows.  It was like bringing spring into the house early.

However....yep there is a however in the story.  The flowers disappeared during the night.  Vases were toppled and we soon found out what happened.

"JASPER!"  Or could Tiger have helped?

The girls removed the flowers to a safer place, or so they thought.  Ha ha ha!

Just minutes ago, Jasper, tailed by Tiger, went flying through the kitchen with his prized possession - the chenille stem with the tissue paper flower!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 53 ~ Reading the Bible in 90 days Challenge

Although, my daily e-mails from the challenge stopped showing up in my inbox, I am still reading my Bible.  Can you believe it's day 53 already?  I had to catch up on it yesterday, but I am staying on task with this.  Even with laundry, floors to clean, dishes to wash, library books to return, bills to pay, straightening to do, chickens to feed, dogs to play with . . . I am still on task.  Pretty amazing I would say.