Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Plantain Poultices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plantain Poultices. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Plantain Poultices ~ Freezing Plantain

Note: This was another resurrected draft post, so the photo is older, as well as the content, but sharing for those who may not know about plantain.  I have also dehydrated it for a medicinal tea.  

I have ground plantain, and applied it to a wasp sting, and it removed the pain and redness within 20 minutes of applying the ground up plantain.  It truly is a wonderful weed to have available.

I know plantain is great to add to some healing salves as well.

Sharing the post today, as it was buried amongst the land of the blog drafts.  The timeline is a bit off, as we are just now nearing spring weeds, but finally sharing.  The blogpost prior shows a comfrey poultice.  Apparently, I never took a photo of the plantain poultices I froze.

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Plantain has finally been harvested.  I allow some to grow in my flower beds too. It grows wild here.

I made several poultices, and have put them into my freezer for safe keeping.  These are great for but bites, boils, blisters, stings etc.  A poultice is basically fresh ground herb, sometimes ground with a bit of warm water, and sometimes a bit of flour to make a paste.  I put the "paste" on a long enough piece of gauze that can be wrapped around a wrist, ankle or leg, or I have also had to use plastic wrap to hold it in place before.  You can also make a very small amount and use a Band-Aid to hold it on the area you wish to treat.

The leaf is also edible, and comes in very useful for flu, cold, cough relief, when taken internally.  I do recommend you do your research.  There are so many books available at libraries, to borrow for free.  I have made tea with dehydrated plantain, for an upset stomach.  

Do you have medicinal tea tips, using plantain?

I restocked the freezer with greens, by blanching them first, and placing them in freezer bags for winter. 

Plantain Poultices ~ Freezing Plantain  © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


We had a beautiful morning sunrise Monday morning.  It was cold out, but gorgeous sky.

Never hit your shin on something.  The pain is like no other.  I've been using up my freezer stash of comfrey poultices.  They are helping, but man...

(used my mortar and pestal for a small amount)

I've also been picking plantain.  I somehow got an itchy patch of a rash on my ankle (hm, could be from wearing flip flops out when it was warmer and brushing on something).  I got rid of it using a fresh plantain poultice in two days (second one I added fresh chickweed).  Yay, for the power of weeds.  Our plantain isn't very big yet, but we are getting some here and there.  I also ordered a free small food processor for small batch making. 

Does anyone here take horse chestnut for varicose veins?  Would love to hear your input.  Just wondering if I order the horse chestnut, do you make the extract as you would a "tincture?"

I placed my order for jojoba oil.  It's time to make homemade tick oil.  It can be used on humans or dogs and it works.  You can also make it with water and spray it on, but I prefer the oil, so I don't have to re-apply so often in the hot sun.

We continue to get rain.  The farmers are behind by 3 weeks getting into their fields, so you can imagine how far behind we are.  Flooding issues almost everywhere right now.  I told Hubby, if we can't plant with good timing, I won't plant at all.  It would be a complete waste of time.  We can't even get the tiller into it until it dries up.  We are not yet at our planting time, so say a prayer, send up good vibes and positive mojo.

Baked away the cold rainy blues - blueberry crumble.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Losing my Mind. . . Holiday Prep ~ Paranoid Prep

My brain has gone plain insane.  I feel like I'm caught up in a whirlwind and I'm trying to reach out to stop and get a job done, and I'm sucked back in again heading another direction. 

The barn....

Oh lets not talk about that job.  It's getting on my nerves, although I've wanted that job done for several years.  So. Much. Work. The barn siding was delivered.  Then rain arrived, so garden work halted, and I was back indoors.  Deep cleaning, cooking, putting up. . .

The hens are molting.  Egg supply is at it's all time lowest.  I made a crock pot of pumpkin oats.  We are not tired of pumpkin just yet, ha ha!  I picked a handful of red raspberries for topping the oats too.

I baked my first flourless pumpkin bread.  I have always baked it with flour, so this was a new recipe.  I only tired it out of curiosity, and the fact it saves me on ingredients.  Einkorn flour isn't cheap. It was so-so.  Not awesome, yet not bad either. 

Flourless Pumpkin Bread