Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Day of Sitting in the Parking Lot and Things that Stopped Working


Just a few days before yesterday, I sat in the Verizon parking lot waiting on my husband to get a new cell phone.  His phone was 5 years old and got a free trade in thankfully.  However, if you have a cell phone, you know buying a new one takes about an hour or more.  I had no projects with me that day either.

Yesterday morning, I had zero plans to leave the house.  It's cold, snow covered, and I didn't need a lick of anything important.  I him-hawed around in my slippers and pj's sipping coffee, stoking the fire, feeding the cats etc.

Hubby gets up and says, "Your daughter's phone died so you need to go with her to get a new one."  My best eye-rolling moment happened.  Sigh.  Another day of sitting in the parking lot.

We rolled in at 11:02am.  I see a truck pull in, and Daughter K was taking her time getting out of the car.  I literally ran in the store to make sure we got in there first (knowing the wait time). I go in, sign (which now it pops up on your own phone, you sign and it goes back to their tablet).  Anyway, I do all the things I need to, and an elderly lady came in but approached the counter with impatience.  Remember I said phone buying is at least 1 hour to do?

She apparently went over on her data and was charged, but not even the clerk could explain what "data" was.  The clerk at some point just shut off her data.  That women will be back for sure.  

Anyway, I'm thinking "oh my gosh, that would be my mother" then I ask about flip phones.  Thankfully they are continuing to sell them, so later that day I let her know (her flip phone needs replaced).

After I did what I needed to give access to our account, and she picked out a phone, I went to the car to crochet.  One hour later the clerk sends Daughter K out and suggests we go get something to eat and come back.  

We did, and we went back. 

Daughter K drove me all the way home, and went back and never got out of that Verizon store until almost 2pm.  She had that much to transfer from her old phone to her new phone.  

...and that my folks is how I spent most of my day yesterday.  

Once home though, I got 2 dish scrubbies crocheted.  I have 3 more to make for the person who ordered, but glad I at least had crochet time.

Our smaller bathroom has running water, but the drain is still frozen.  Don't get me started on the kitchen.  I hauled hot water from the master bath, washed dishes and when I dumped the dish tubs into both sinks a water line below sprung a large leak (drain froze and I didn't realize it).  I was grabbing whatever I could to fill until it was done.  Hubby walked in and said, "is it safe to come home?"  

He apologized over and over and said he'd heat tape it this weekend.  He also said, "why don't we think about doing this stuff over summer?"  I told him to not worry, I have a list and will put it in plain sight so we stay on task this year.

Oh, and get this....wood splitter is broke down.  So, if we stay on task this spring/summer/fall with wood splitting, we'll have wood and not have to deal with things like this in winter.  We ran out of wood, so the electric heat is on until Saturday.  Or until he fixed the splitter.  Always something.....

Snow and wind are back this morning.  We may actually get up to 26°F in our parts.  On a good note, the hot water line works in my utility room, so I can at least do laundry today. 

Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself (cont.):

46. Give in occasionally

47. Make clear choices

48. Face painful questions directly

49. Work toward deepening your life

50. Keep things in proper perspective

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Curtains and other ramblings


The two curtains I ordered for the hallway windows arrived.  These are different than the fiasco for the long window in the hallway.  I love them!  It's hard to see, but the sun hasn't been shining.  I have ordered a new curtain for the other window, so stay tuned on that.

Pipes are thawed.  However, we had another flood in the utility room.  It stumped us, as it wasn't when the water was running to the washer or sink in there.  I told my husband it looked like it was coming from the wall behind the sink.  I told him the last flood we had.  We opened up the wall (thankfully we made an access).  The hose coming from the salt softener came loose and was leaking. 

Guess who is off work today just to fix the leak?  Yep.  Sigh.  Water has been shut off until then, so I am glad we had the jugs filled.  Plus, Daughter K brought home more drinking water just in case.

My Amazon curtain (rag) has been labeled on on the way to return.  What a mess.  It took two trips to buy printer ink (forgot it the first trip).  When I put the new ink in the printer, it automatically prints an alignment page.  Had to do that twice to get the darn thing to print.  Then the label printed blank.  Finally got the label and my packing tape malfunctioned (must have been cheap tape).  Finally got it all done and wrote them a review.  What a hot mess.

I still need one sheer panel for the front door, but that can wait.  I have lots of new ideas for the kitchen in the way of updates.

The snow finally stopped, so we may be cutting more firewood today if the leak project goes smoothly.  Soup beans are going in the crockpot this morning.

Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself (cont.):
41. Contact new people
42. Do something for others
43. Take charge of getting involved
44. Give the other person a break
45. Don't criticize and blame others

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Boring Post but a Post No less

The predicted "freeze" is coming soon.  I, although my husband said not to until he was home, went out to shovel some of the deep snow in the drive.  Thankfully, the nephews showed up and plowed the entire drive.

Hubby made fun of my BPA free, food grade water jugs.  They hold 7 gallons each.  They will be filled and ready if our pipes freeze.  Our wind chill is said to feel like -25°F so I will write a list and make sure all the laundry is done, water is available for animals/us, all the dishes done, etc.  I am already with oil lamps, oil, and extra wicking.  Wood is split and on the porch, but we'll split more before this coming Friday.

I threw together a crock pot soup with items that needed used up and some leftover ham.  It was nice to have a hot soup after shoveling.  I made skillet bread to go with it.

Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself (cont.):
21. Don't be afraid of failure
22. Practice living in the present
23. Get friendly with leisure
24. Reward yourself
25. Admit to yourself how you feel