Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Hot pad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot pad. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

. . .from the handiwork journal

 Instead of moving an entire basket (again), I decided to just tackle what was in the basket, and store the basket away. One project will be taken apart (beads will be donated to a kiddo), one needed edged together, and the other two needed ends sewn in.  One was from 2017!  

A doily I made, and most likely was a porch project, as it is with #10 crochet thread.  Done!!  The doily was no slow project, as it is 11 x 16 inches.  I had a place for it years ago, but now I have no idea just yet.  I can't believe it let this project go so long unfinished.

The other unfinished projects?  A single hot pad.  The story behind it?  Why there is only one?

The story?  Well, I used to sell what I made.  I had a blog where I used to share and sell items, a social media page (since been deleted), and sold items at the Farmer's Market and Holiday craft shows.

My Mom was my biggest fan, supporter, and purchaser.  She found so many people who would buy what I made, and I supplied.  However, one woman wanted an entire lavender kitchen set for her daughter.  I had some lavender, so I started on the hot pad set, but had to order more of the same color to crochet the second one, and then one XL (9 x 13 size) hot pad.  

If you crochet or knit, you know that if you want the same color lot, you need to order enough, or buy enough for the project all at the same time.  I ordered the same color, and same brand, and the color did not match the one I made above.  I had to start over.

Oh, here is the kicker to the story....

The woman didn't want them after I had finished them all.  She told my Mom, that it was not lavender and looked like "gray."  Sigh.  My Mom giggled, and gave me the "don't worry" wave, and she either sold it or gifted it after that fiasco.

So, I finished the single hot pad, edging it with random leftover yarn, and gave it a home.  

One baby pacifier holder, which only needed ends sewn in and blocked. I think I had plans to make numerous amounts to sell, but never had the time to get more made.  Done and done!  The hot pad went in the camper.

I have much more to get back in order, so I will not run out of rainy day organizing/purging and whatnot.  In the process for searching for extra crochet supplies for a daughter, I found a more craft supplies that can be purged and donated (on the rainy day list).

I have come up with one more way to use my cotton yarn stash.  Well, a small bit of it anyway.  More on that later.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

. . .from the handiwork journal

My recent attempts to soak in some porch time, have been short due to 90 degree days here lately.   The bugs are terrible, and I'm guessing from the recent rains we have had. 

 . . .the second doily for the living room.  I honestly forgot about this project.  It was in my on-the-go bag.  I need to get this finished.

. . .current status on the current large blanket.  It's too hot here to work on such a large project.

. . .finally finished this (top picture) dishcloth.  Started another one.  Finished that one.

I used the leftover yarn to crochet two hand sanitizer holders, and then used the very last of the yarn..... make 4 granny square centers.  I have just a wee bit of yarn left.  

How this project started:  I was cleaning up the very last box of craft items in the living room.  I had a crocheted strawberry for a keychain for one daughter.  I went to the utility room (next room to get a complete extreme cleaning) to open a craft container to get a key ring for the strawberry, and saw 4 of these snap clasps (still in their packages).  

I think I bought the clasps about 5-6 years ago (or longer, as that Hobby Lobby closed).  Anyway, I went to my yarn stash boxes, and came up (took me about 5-6 trials) with a self made pattern, for a cuff bracelet.  Leave it to me to create a pattern with yarn that is discontinued ha ha!  I've had this crochet thread for many years as well.

. . . crocheted 4 cuff bracelets.  My husband was impressed.  Not just with the finished project, but that it used supplies I already had.  By the way, the clasps are not leather, they are faux leather, and can still be purchased at some craft stores.  They are almost double the price however, from when I purchased them.

I have plans for these already.  I would like to get one made with two more color I do not have.

. . .lap afghan on the crochet hook.  It's my current "on-the-go" project. Recognize the yarn?  Leftover small balls from my own recent blanket, the one that was ordered after that blanket, from Christmas ornaments, recent crochet hats, and from other projects.

The very small balls of yarn are then donated to the local school art teacher.  Do you have any suggestions for the smaller balls of leftover yarn?  They could be used to make granny squares I guess.

. . .sold this oversized hot pad (these are approx. 7 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches, made per the request of my Mom).  Funny story about this sale.  A long time friend from high school, messaged me a photo of an oversized dishcloth, and asked me to make her another (she was using it for a hot pad for 9 x 13 size dishes).  

I told her, that was not made by me, and I make double thick.  She was embarrassed that she never bought from me, but wanted my last one in my inventory.  Odd color I used, but she bought it.  I have had one more request, so I will be doing an inventory check on any cotton cone yarn I have.

I used to make them like this.  I have this one in my kitchen, and have used it almost daily for the last 13-13 years or more.  It's about 12 x 10 3/4 inches.  I may make a few more of these as well.  They are great for  9 x 9 dishes, cookie sheets, pizza pan, etc.  However this was my very first one, and it was single crochet.  I now have longer Afghan hooks.

. . .  I decided to donate all of these jars I made so many years ago.  I recycled jars and crafted them to fill with homemade granola for my side of the family (many, many years ago) for Christmas.   It just never happened.   These jars will find a new home.   

Question:  Where is the best place to buy a board for crocheted granny squares?  I may be doing a large blanket with granny squares next summer (maybe this summer).  I do not have one yet.

Like this one.  (source Walmart).  I am looking to get one large enough to have space for 4 stacks.