Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Crocheted Strawberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crocheted Strawberry. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Storms and other ramblings

We had thunderstorms and some areas had damage from them.  I'm about to head out and check on the garden.  It'll be too wet to work in, but need to do a look-see anyway.

Limited to what I had on hand, I dug out some crochet thread and worked on something one of the kids suggested I make.

The strawberry turned out a perfect size, but will change the keychain part to something different.  The watermelon turned out a bit too big, so I'll make it smaller next chance I have.

I am finding out how many muscles I have while painting.  I was down on the floor on my stomach painting under cabinets.  I had to laugh when I told my husband this, and his response was, "I can take the trim off or you."  He's been saying that since the beginning of May (he has no time to do anything but rest when he gets home).   Most smaller trim was already off and is all painted,  One more coat and floor trim is done.

I am not running out of things to do, that is for sure.  As soon as the flower beds dry enough I will be weeding those, along with the herb garden.  I yanked a honeysuckle from the flower bed yesterday before the rain, and replanted it on the property line for a wind block.  I figure the birds gave it to us, why not utilize it elsewhere.

My lemon balm, and oregano are fully really to harvest.  The green onion and bunching onions are doing great thanks to the rain.

I tossed down more swiss chard seeds, and took a look at the kale.  It's doing pretty good, but not ready to harvest.

I did a quick check on infused oils, and need a few made this year.  I use them to make my homemade lotion, chapstick etc.  Speaking of list making the other day, I am about to start another one - restock items that need made that go in the freezer.  I must stay on top of what needs stocked up.  The way the gas prices are going, it's become worrisome.