Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I may be popping in here now and again.  It's only been a few days, and I miss writing my blog.  You may get a post here or there in the near future.  

Although in that short time, I have purged about 40 books, and most were literally from home schooling days, and non-fiction books from when the kids were all in school.  I have also purged 2 boxes of craft supplies.  I kept a TON of crafting, recycling craft supplies and more, for when the kids were in school as well.

Cleaning the "spaces" has been gratifying, so we can eventully "enjoy" the newly organized spaces.  

I'm am working on transitioning from raising kids, and having the roll of "Mom" for so many years, to "empty" nesters.  It's not like I am out of "things" to keep me busy around here, especially during garden season.

You'd think I'd be busy with the role of "Grandma" but sadly that is not the case.  I'm trying not to dwell on the fact, there is a newly born grandchild out there this year, who we have never met.  We don't even know where they live.  Not all families are created equal.  When there is nothing you can do about something, you learn to move on in life.  We can't waste time on trying to make sense on what doesn't make sense.

Although we have made great strides with home repairs and updates, there is still very much more to do as well.  We have more work on upgrades, regarding our vegetable/fruit gardens (fencing, expanding, raised bed project).

Great words of advice.....

"Focus on you. For more than 18 years, the focus has been on your children. Permit yourself to be a little self-centered. Get up to date on all medical appointments you have put off. Reevaluate your diet and start an exercise routine that includes cardio, weights and stretching. Go through your closet and decide what to keep and what to update. Try out a new hair color or style to go with your new role."  Source:  Finding Purpose in an Empty Nest, by Pam Molnar, Oregon Family Magazine

Routines change, life changes, daily duties change, and even the homesteading path in life changes.  

When I pick some yarrow, the first thing that pops in my head, is "oh I need to blog about what I'm making with this" and I eventually get side tracked, ha ha!  Self sufficiency at it's best for sure.  Blogging was always a part of my writing passion.

Who knows what is in store for the future.  I'll leave it at that.  You may see some updates here and there.

Transitioning © July 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


Mama Pea said...

Your way of posting "here and there" may be the way to go. I do know in the winter, although I don't have the garden to talk about and share, I do have more time for introspective writing so . . . No, I'm not committing to any promises regarding my own blogging/posting at this point but who knows? Right now I confess to feeling a weight lifted in closing my blog. But good for you in doing what feels right. That's what it's all about!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Mama Pea, this may be the motivation I need to actually write a book or go back to freelance too. Who knows. Right now we have so many projects on this house, it's crazy. You'd think we were more than halfway done, but nope. The computer has a way with causing me to procrastinate my daily start of the day, so hence the blog closing (or a suprise post here or there). I also felt, I was blogging the same stuff, every year over and over. I have new goals in mind now, and some self "rewards" to go along with them. I know that in my next room purge, I have discovered my HUGE collection of books I need to read. Our motto for this year is, if we haven't used it in a year, it finds a new home. I feel like I should be "toasting" to more time to enjoy, get things done, and get myself back in shape (already lost 4# of what I gained with the boot on my foot.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Occasional works!
For my blog, I prefer the occasional posts. I live in the 3-d world and visit this world only occasionally. I do read blogs daily while I am having my morning coffee, but I usually leave my computer for the day after that.

Leigh said...

I was glad to see another post so soon!

I think the main thing is to not feel pressured to blog. Do it when you feel like it. Have to admit it's really a good tool for journaling.

For years, I felt I had to blog on a schedule. X number of days would go by and I thought I had to get a post up! When I finally let that go, (almost all my writing, actually) I found that I had all kinds of extra time for sewing, weaving, and spinning. Of course, that meant I wanted to revive my fiber blog, so in fact, I'm not blogging less. I'm just not blogging as much on my main blog. :)

Sarah said...

I'm visiting from Sandra's blog, I had a lengthy hiatus from blogging, for around 2 years. It doesn't feel the same as it used to but I missed the journalling/memory aspect of keeping a blog so I am back...for now.

I know what you mean about how getting rid of things and making space is quite a freeing experience at times - although sometimes I launch myself into a decluttering project and find it's a tad overwhelming.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Leigh, I thought about putting a page up just for handiwork, but didn't think people would even notice.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Sarah, thanks for visiting. It's been a journey to get the house back to a very orderly state. We still have one more room to rip old carpet out of, paint and paint other rooms. It's been nice, but a lot of work.

Faith said...

We'll all still be here when you pop in. I don't blog every day anymore, I'd bore myself let alone somebody else, but it is nice to have the community to share with, as we mature we learn to modify everything. Enjoy!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Faith, thanks, no promises on posts in the future. I do feel I just repeat stuff every year, unless we try something new. We still have a lot of home updates to do yet too.

Wendy said...

I would love to see a post every now and then. Just to know how you are.
Kindest regards, Wendy

R's Rue said...

Whatever works for you. I’m just happy to see you still enjoy blogging.