Friday, May 10, 2024

Early May Blooms


I forgot what these are called.  I think it's called Alpine Columbine.

Tulips still in bloom.

Sage starting to bloom.

A dwarf variety of phlox.


We have a lot of purple blooms this spring, and a few pink, but there is one tiny yellow one too.  Last June I planted some half price rannuculus bulbs.  I planted out of season, and hoped for a few blooms.  

We planted a few blue delphiniums, but so far I do no see any blooms yet.  I'm hoping they survived winter, but I did lose a few dianthis that I had for several years.  I also have one blue bell type flower, that I have had for about 15-16 years.  I am hoping it also survived this past winter.  


  1. Definitely a columbine. Love them and have lots in my perennial bed. However, while they are growing no blooming as of yet.

    God bless.

  2. Beautiful blooms! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Jo-Anne's Ramblings, yes, but I do need more colors ha ha! Looks like all purple right now.


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