Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Crochet Tension Ring ~ Garden Tidbits ~ Date Syrup ~ Einkorn Flour Pancakes


Interesting info for anyone who crochets . . .

I received a few different crochet tension rings, and have yet to give them a try.  I have heard of them, but have never used one.  Very interesting concept.  The ring holds the yarn tension as you crochet, vs. wrapping the yarn in between fingers or around your hand.  

I never did get any comments on the best row counter.  I'm still looking into that.

 As for the lack of posts?  Well, I'm busy weeding gardens.  However, yesterday I realized I forgot to trim back the lavender plants and they are already starting buds.  I believe I am too late this spring.  I will wait for blooms and maybe trim what I can after that.  The plants are becoming too big for the flower beds.

We are slowly working on a plan to get the vegetable garden planted.  

I'm glad to say, I am back to using our clothesline, but using it is hit or miss around here.  The rain comes and goes often lately.  The electric bill however has reduced to an all time low now.

I baked us some pumpkin (einkorn flour) muffins recently, and swapped the maple syrup/honey with date syrup.  We both like them, but I will most likely make them again, and try it with the honey.  These did not cause a sugar spike with my husband, using the date syrup.  I thawed pumpkin puree I froze from processing last years garden pie pumpkins.  I'll be back to update you on using honey in this recipe.

I tried yet another einkorn flour pancake recipe. I found this one online with Nourished Kitchen.  I added frozen blueberries I thawed, cinnamon and nutmeg.  We both loved these!  The recipe is small batch (a huge winner) and no sugar or sweetener in the recipe.  Of course, that all depends on what you also put on top of them, but the actual pancake recipe is a big keeper for us.  Pancakes are nice, but not when you have to eat them all week long. 

The recipe requires buttermilk, so if you are avoiding the fat, this recipe may not be for you.  However, like I said, it's a smaller batch recipe too.  I did use butter on the griddle to make them as per directed by the recipe.

The extra ones stuck together in the container, so the next time I make them, I will line waxed paper between them, to store in the refrigerator.

Question. . .

I need to replace my only single muffin pan soon.  I have looked at what America's Test Kitchen suggests, but they are expensive, and I cannot find any other reviews.  I don't want silicone or silcone lined pans either.  Any suggestions (non-stick)?

Crochet Tension Ring ~ Garden Tidbits ~ Date Syrup ~ Einkorn Flour Pancakes © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I have an old style muffin tin that has been around about 70 years...I use liners in it or I oil and flour it. So I suggest thrift store or rummage sale:) If I am counting rows I write down on paper and cross them off as I go. For knitting socks I have a recipe and I put it in a sheet protector and then move a post it down the instructions so I know exactly where I am at!

  2. Far side of Fifty, thanks. I may cover my pattern with a sheet protector and use a write on/wipe off marker next time. I have been using a post it note and pen for rows, and seems to work. I just saw row counters online and wondered if they were worth buying or more of a hassle. Thanks.

  3. I don't crochet and have never heard of such a ring till now

  4. Sometimes I use row counters, like when turning the heel of a sock, but if it's LOTS of rows, like a sweater sleeve, I just write the rows on a piece of paper and cross them off as I go.
    I've been wondering about the tension ring too. I may have to try one out myself.

  5. I'd not heard of the tension ring but it looks like a great idea. Very pretty too.

    I have no idea about counters, so I'm no help!

    The thrift store is always my go-to for tools and equipment. But for non-stick you'd have to be careful as it seems the stuff flakes off over time. Maybe new is better. If it lasts as long as the last one, how much does that come to per year?

  6. Jo-Anne's Ramblings, I have seen them online but not in stores.

  7. Betsy, I have been using paper and pen for years too. I was looking for an alternative that may be easier. I may pick up some inexpensive notebooks from the dollar tree. The ring is very interesting.

  8. Leigh, lately, I have been using liners in my muffin pans, so I may be checking the thrift stores, as you suggested. I really need two of them. I like to have healthy muffins on hand, and we have been making the egg cups often for on-the-go breakfasts. I was gifted two rings, so it will be fun to try working with, to see if it gives my hand a break with crocheting.


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