Thursday, April 18, 2024


It appears that some of the bigger projects on our to-do list will be taking a longer break than we want.  Atleast anything related to climbing a ladder around here.

Oh boy.  I did it again.  I'm mostly mad at myself, because I just started to clean up flower beds, and was about to start raking out weeds from the already tilled vegetable garden (s).

It's an eye roller moment.

I've been MIA a bit in blogger-land this past week.  First, I was instructed to stay off my feet, other than to use the bathroom.  Second, I was instructed to use crutches when I was up.  They were (yes were) the most pain in the rump to use.  I can say, that I can stand to lose more weight than I thought ha ha!  Lifting myself on those was a complete work out in itself.

The urgent care I went to did not have any boots.  I thought this was very odd for an urgent care facility.  They gave me paperwork to take to a medical supply in the same town.  Again, no boots in stock.  Seriously?  Keep in mind, I was in pain as it was the day of the incident.  They loaded the paperwork into their computer and sent us to another town (a good half hour drive), with another one of their stores, and low and behold we got one, and just before they were closing.  Crazy times right now.  What if I didn't have a driver with me?  What if I was by myself, and needed a wheelchair?  At the time, I didn't have my crutches either, so I had help.  

The good news is, that I have been able to lose the crutches, and no surgery needed, but the fracture will take time to heal. Also, it took almost a week to get into see someone at the ortho doctor office.  Oh, my blood pressure was "perfect" as I was checked.  I'm used to walking 10 plus miles a week, so I'm already working on chair exercises, to keep me sane and not so restless. 

Off the subject, our family doctor now only works 3 days a week.  Again crazy times we are in.  I guess we will be looking for a new family physician now, because he has been canceling my husband's appointments, leaving the message, and no re-sheduled date.  It's been frustrating there as well.  I won't have to go see him for this, but ....


Of course, I am applying a comfrey poultice/compress daily, and every day it feels much better than the day before.  The x-ray showed the bones already fusing together within a week's time.  It also reduced the bruising after the first application.

If I had a plant store, I would sell plants like comfrey, mullein and other plants that some city folks do not have access to.  Anyway....

I'm still infusing our nettle/oatstraw teas for more nutrition, and the doctor instructed taking vitamin D3 with K2.  I had to change my vitamin D to that, but my husband brought it home, and the ingredients include (gmo) soybean oil and other bad oils.  I'm on the hunt (online) for a healthy vitamin match for this.  If you know of a resource for this vitamin (non-gmo vs. gmo), please comment below.  

A funny to share.  If you can picture it.  My husband was bringing me a cup of coffee at a time, as I was to keep my one foot non-bearing weight.

I would drink it, and before he could finish his cup, I'd be asking for another. I continued to ask, and he'd look at me like "where it heck are you putting that coffee?"  Ha ha!

He told a friend I could "suck down a cup in 30 seconds" ha ha!  He is probably right.  

One day, he handed me my coffee, and stood in the doorway, and said "I'm just gonna stand here until you need another cup" (picture him standing there sipping his own coffee) ha ha ha!  Oh boy, it made me laugh and laugh and laugh.  He is tickled pink that I can now fetch my own coffee, amongst other daily chores he had to take care of.

If you know what these are used for, I kept my eye exam, and yes they dialated my eyes, and that was while on crutches.  What a hoot that was.  A miserable combination too, but I was not about to change my appt.  The eye doctor is only in once a week anymore.  I can always change doctors, but no, I was getting that checked on my to-do list, and off the calendar.  

I have gathered all of my to-do lists, and meal plans from over a week ago.  I have no idea what the meals will be yet, but I do have new recipes yet to try.  I dehydrated 2# of mushrooms, because it was easier to save them vs. explain to my husband what to cook with them ha ha! 

My library books are overdue (totally forgot about them), and the housecleaning is so far behind.  The laundry is not too far behind, as I have done some (I see a laundry basket on wheels in my future, ha ha!).

We've had a lot of rain here lately, and a tornado watch yesterday, so things have been pretty wet outside. It's sort of a blessing to me, so I'm not feeling bad about being behind on the outdoor work.  As soon as it dries up a bit, I need to check in on our garlic and asparagus, and see if either is up (from this recent rain and warmer weather).  The rhubarb is up, as I had checked that over a week ago (a few garlic sprouts were up as well).  Considering my situation, I have left the wild violets to be just that - wild.  I will not be making wild violet jelly this spring, but I'm okay with that.


  1. I am sorry about your injury. I am not sure I could manage crutches now. I guess I need to keep from falling if at all possible. Of course no one ever plans to fall.

  2. Geez, fun times, eh? I hope you heal quickly. The nice thing about violets is they'll be back next year no problem, so you can just enjoy how pretty they are this year and make the jelly next year.

    Re: the vitamin K2/D3, I use the Sports Research brand. I've been getting it from Amazon, but Costco just started carrying it a month or two ago.

  3. Anne in the kitchen, no we don't plan falls lol! Mine involved stairs. When I landed I twisted my foot when I landed. I guess it could have been worse.

  4. chipmunk, yeah, there are more violets this year than last, so I'm hoping for even more next spring. Thanks, I will have to check Amazon for that vitamin. We don't have a membership at Costco, but we may have friends that do. I'll look into it. Thanks.

  5. So sorry about the bad break, I saved my crutches for 44 years now, I may need them someday...I used them for a long time. :)

  6. Far Side of Fifty, I saved my crutches too. I had a bad sprain a few years back, but I didn't need them very long. I did have a boot for a while, but it was a taller one. The boot I have now is short for the foot area. I seem to collect things like that ha ha!

  7. No fun! So sorry to hear about this. Crutches are definitely a good thing to save. Hopefully, with the herbs, you'll mend quickly and soon.

  8. Leigh, you are right about not being fun. I am so mad at myself, as we were just getting some outside work started this month. I'm not one to sit idle either. I am applying the comfrey as much as I can, as it should speed up healing time by 1/3rd. I have used comfrey for bruises and sore muscles with very good results, so I am praying that I have good results with my foot.


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