Friday, April 19, 2024

Spring Flowers


(wild violets)

The flower beds are full of spring blooms, but boy are they full of chickweed and other weeds.  I took these photos over two weeks ago, and forgot about them.  Other than tulip photos.

 We did not mulch them last year for some reason, and we will be this year.  It will be hit or miss, as the rain comes and goes, and everything continues to remain wet around here.  I do have plans to add some new spring colors for next year.  The only reason I have very little tulips, is due to moles.  The new windmill is going up soon, and hopefully we can fall plant some more tulips next fall.

Many, years ago, I was out weeding the flower beds, and a van pulled into the drive.  The older gentleman opened his window, and said not to mind them, as his wife loves to drive thru and see the flowers in the flower beds. He said it made her happy.  It was a couple that lives down the road from us.  That was a feel good moment.  

We woke up to rain again.  I mean, it's great for all the spring herbs/veggies and flowers, but it's very wet out there.

Spring Flowers © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Aww for the lovely older couple. Hope they are still around and have enjoyed your beautiful colors.

    Hope you're feeling better. Fun getting old isn't it...but you're not There Just Yet! Let your husband wait on you forever long as you can get away with it, haha!

    Have a great Friday and weekend.

    GA Mary

  2. Wow those flowers are beautiful. I'd stop too, if I saw them on the side of the road.

  3. Lovely spring flowers. I have always love hyacinths, mom grew them, but I have no luck here.

    God bless.

  4. Thanks Mother Em, it does stink to be told to sit idle for a while. Drives me nuts, but my husband appears to be having fun with the cooking. Not so much with the cleaning ha ha!

  5. Thanks Debby. I hope to plant more fall bulbs this year. I just get so busy or side tracked, I forget and then spring arrives.

  6. Jackie, we used to have a ton of irises but the grass grew up in them, and it was a pain to weed out. I will have to split my solid yellow daffodils this year. They are reproducing very quickly.


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