Monday, February 12, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


A sunrise from last week.  We've been blessed with some beautiful sunrises lately.  We actually grilled out on Sunday.  It was slightly chilly, but the sun was out.

Do you remember my post on the Butterscotch Sugar cookies (from a Joanne Fluke book)?  I froze some of them, to see if they froze well, and they do!  Just sharing in case you like to have something in the freezer for unexpected guests, or need to quickly take a treat to someone.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather. . .

Highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's for the week.

Right now I am . . .

Making a pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Butter beans.  Do you use butter beans?  I do.  I have to order them online, as our stores here do not carry them.  Weird right?  I see that Meijer sells them (via looking online), but they add sugar to their canned beans for some reason.  Do you have access to butter beans (organic, non-gmo)?  I currently by Eden Butter beans (USA grown, only contains Kombu seaweed for better digestion).

Just when I am thinking of purging some writing books, a "freelancing" article comes up in my reading list today.  Hm.

So many blogs I follow/followed have ended or are coming to an end lately.  I go to where my reading page is and there is mostly blogs on crochet or writing anymore.

How I am feeling . . .

Coffee made, music on, and ready to tackle the day.

On the breakfast plate . . .

-Breakfast:  Egg/Sausage/Cheese breakfast sandwiches, coffee

On the lunch plate . . .

Maybe chicken salad/boiled egg, grapes.

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken quesadillas possibly.

On the menu . . .

-Southern Beefy Skillet (Eating Well Recipe, formally from Diabetic Living), but the recipe does not list the tomato sauce in the ingredients, so read the entire recipe and instructions first.

-Pork loin, roasted green beans, and wild rice blend, made with organic stock and pre-blanched kale.  Home canned BBQ sauce to pour over the pork over rice blend.

-Mexican Lasagna, Crockpot Creamed Corn (using frozen off the cob corn)

Beverage:  a gallon of homemade iced green tea infused with dehydrated spearmint from the garden.  Did you know spearmint is good for helping memory?  I just learned this.

When the current Mediterranean Orzo salad is gone, I plan to make another salad.

On my reading pile . . .

Thanks to two 65°F days (and mostly sunny) that lured me to the porch to actually sit and read, I finished this book.  

Currently reading this:

I also borrowed some interesting books from our library. 

 The "swap" book has some very interesting ideas in it.  I'm still waiting on a Sally Fallon book, and it is taking forever to get a copy from the library.  I thought for sure I owned a copy, but I do not.  I'm hoping it comes in soon.

On the TV this week . . .

Movies:  The Ice Road

Looking around the house. . .

What I purged - 16 books, 1 pair of 1.50 readers, 1 cast iron griddle, and gave away the last of my nail polish Christmas tree ornaments to a friend who does nails for a living (she loved them).

The house is pretty tidy, as we had guests over the weekend.

I'm very slowly purging items from the office, which may end up not an office.  That is topic for "thinking and pondering" I guess.

I finished giving my quilt rack a fresh coat of paint, and it's back up on a wall.  I am looking for a new quilt now.  The current one does not match (it's a knock off, cheap version quilt)

The to-do list . . .

-put another paint chip in the home journal
-order propane
-place an order for items I cannot get in the grocery store
-dishes, run dishwasher

For the week (moved from last week, as I did not get it done)

-clean kitchen window, window blinds, wash curtains

-the hallway project is still on-going

From the camera . . .

I finished this lap afghan. It is packaged up to donate to the senior center.   I started another.  I keep getting notified (by friends) that there is a need for shawls for a group in our state called Shawls of Support for organ/tissue/eye donors.  One specific wanted purple ones.  I have yet to check my yarn stash, but the senior center was thrilled to get what I have already donated, I really would like to finish a few more lap afghans for them, before winter is over.  Then again, they may be able to use them in the summer if they have the AC on too.  Anyway, there are two great ways to help others with my yarn stash.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses. . .

It's not a prayer or bible verse, but a strongly written statement.   It's possibly encouragement to someone today.


  1. Good morning! Beautiful afghan, how nice that you found a place to donate them.
    Purging seems to be going well.

    Have a great week!
    Note: yourlink on SAHM is not working, better go check that ;) if you want more visitors.

  2. I need to add spearmint to my everyday meals. Lots and lots of spearmint!

  3. Thanks Luludou, I put in the correct link up, but can't remove the first one. Hopefully that helps correct it.

  4. Anne in the kitchen, I love spearmint in my tea. My grandmother always made iced tea that way and love it.

  5. Thank you for your nice blogpost again, as the new one with the blue skies.And now it is Wednesday already.


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