Tuesday, February 13, 2024

This and That


We've been blessed with some beautiful sun-shiny days, and we are so thankful.  We get more clouds this time of year in our area.  It really does make a difference in your mood.

Hallway update:  all of the door and window trim has been painted. 

Plugs have been ordered for the entry door off the hall.  I guess I never noticed they were missing, until I scrubbed the door and window for priming.  

The plugs have been shipped.  One side had them, and the other did not have them.  We just need to install them before priming.  I didn't have to do this, but future cleaning and any future painting will be much easier.  It will look nicer too.  I used an old toothbrush/vinegar water to clean the holes out.

I finished painting the entire upstairs flooring.  Stairs will be next, but only when I have time.  The hallway is getting full attention right now.

I little ditty about this book.  Mom gave it to me a while back, and it got packed up when we ripped out carpet, and found again.  The back story - Mom handed it to me with a grin on her face, and said "just read it" explaining it was about an autistic boy, and his mother is a vet and brings home a baby skunk.

I read it, and it's getting passed on.  I just need to locate a shipping vessel to get it on its way.  It was a cute book.  A kids book, and I have no idea how or why Mom had it.  

We had a hankering for garden goodies, so I made us a salad.  We sure do miss going out and picking it all fresh.  It'll all be happening again soon.

Bad photo, but do you all remember me blogging, that I was growing sprouts for the chickens?  Well, they are not sprouting. Well, some are just now starting to sprout.  It's been taking forever, and I'm not doing anything different, other than it's a different brand of lentils.  The expiration date is '26 so I'm not sure what's going on.  Bad batch?  I started a second jar to be sure.  If they don't sprout, I'm going back to the store for a different brand.

Fun information to share.  My sister-in-law sent me this photo, and asked if I knew what they were?  They were in some crochet/tatting supplies of her Mothers.  The first person I asked said they were for making bias tape, but the next person told me they were "braid-aids" for making braided rugs, and I do think that is what they are.  If any of you think they are for something else, please comment, but I do (after looking online) think they are for running the fabric through (like a bias tape), to then braid the fabric into a rug.  Very fun stuff if you ask me.  Did you know these existed?  I did not.

I don't make braided rugs anymore, but wanted to share, as I know some of my blog followers still make them.

I got the last of our pre-paid propane ordered.  They only give us so many months to have it delivered, and then it's put as a credit if we do not.  The pre-paid cost is much lower, so we are still trying to gauge what we think we will need each winter.  I'm hoping we are on track, and that the heaters will be off in a month or so.  We've had 60 degree weather in march before.

I have not found a widget of gadget to add to my blog, to all an email contact form.  I want one that will send the email to me, but one that will keep the actual email address private.  Is that even possible?  I'm working on it anyway.  


  1. I love garden goodies.

  2. After we painted our living room - we left the hallway to do after the first of the year. Well here we are, mid-February and it is lying heavy on my mind. It will happen...soon.

  3. Debby, we actually started our hallway almost 3 years ago lol! I'll have some updates soon. Crazy how time can pass so quickly, but life happens.


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