Sunday, February 14, 2021

More Snow ~ Hot Pepper Pickled Eggs

We got more snow.  Not what we wanted, but then it's great for the garden (poor man's fertilizer). 

Work on the hallway project was delayed.  One toilet kept running, and after checking it we discovered it needed a new float.  While we were out and about, I picked up a new 5 gallon bucket and lid for my homemade laundry detergent.  It needed replaced.

I finally talked my husband into buying a new mail box.  After it was beat up last year by someone, it wasn't latching and the flag was beat off.  It's not good weather however to put it up.  Freezing cold weather, and by the time we returned home the roads were drifting pretty badly.

We got some work done on the hallway before retiring for the night.  I'm thankful for that.  We are not finished, but we are gaining.

Good news for our state!  The state-wide curfew was completely lifted, but not with the threat he'd do it again if he "needs" to.  I hope this Gov. is not voted back in. 

I finally dug out my ingredients to make lotion, but need one item.  I guess it's on the to-do list for next week.

I got some hot pepper pickled eggs made.

I purged craft supplies, and this time without starting a new project.  I am filling a 5th box for our daughter and grandkids.  I hope she has room for all of it, ha ha!


  1. YOu say 'poor man's fertilizer" too!!!!!!!!!

    💕 💓 💗 💖 💗 💓 💕

  2. Despite the cold and snowy weather it sounds like you're staying busy with good things. We've got snow here, too...about six or more inches with more on the way Wednesday. I love pickled eggs! I used make them all the time. Hope you're staying warm. Have a great week ahead! <3


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