Saturday, February 13, 2021

from the handiwork journal . . .

. . .got more fridge magnets made and packaging them. There were more that didn't get in the photo.

. . . more recipe card holders in the making.  They need embellished with buttons, and packages up for a craft show this year.

(sorry no photo yet)

. . . finishing up the back panel and started one sleeve on the cardigan.

. . .more progress on the wine cork ornaments

. . . got the black netting cut and rolled into balls for the order I received.  It took me almost 3 hours to cut and roll the entire 10 yards, but I got it done.

. . . finished my latest craft project.  If I have enough scrap wood, I will make these to sell as well as gift.  I love it.  Instructions are on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot.  I may make some with coffee packets too.  Maybe even small packages of candy or mints?  Lots of ideas for this one.  Makes a nice random act of kindness too.  While cleaning my craft supplies, I had everything already packed up to give to our daughter.  Sigh....I just couldn't help myself.  


  1. Must be for a Christmas Sale.....

    💕 💓 💗 💖 💗 💓 💕

  2. Your crafts are really lovely Kristina :)

  3. Beside a babbling brook, the ornaments are for next Christmas. Now is the best time for me to make them. The summer is busy with the garden.

  4. Re frozen sink/pipes. It's not pretty, but I've put those thick sheets of styro foam you get for insulation between the down drain and wall. Our old house just has the outside wood, inside wall and cupboard on the Northside, so, yes, it is cold. Not pretty, but who sees under the sink. Also, those foam wraps around the pipes in the basement that happen to be near the brick walls helps some. My washer pipes, drain are on that wall, so I never wash until it's 45 degrees or higher.

    Haha, just my two cents again. And we're in the South!

  5. Husband has planted sprouted white potatoes in the garden, covered with "bookooz" (beaucoups) of leaves, but Mr. or Mrs. Squirrel has had to see what was buried there. Good luck on your summer gardening this year.

  6. Mother Em, just before we moved into this place (orginally a rental), they should have heat taped the water lines. In the older part of the house we have a very small crawl space. It may be due to limestone, but we are not sure. Anyway, there is enough space for a very skinny person to crawl in to do the job.


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