Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Another upgrade for the kitchen (front door).  I replaced the plain sheer with a lace one. It's scalloped all around.  I love it!  I have more plans to upgrade the kitchen, so those will be posted as they unfold.

Sunday we needed to cut more wood.  They are saying we'll dip again on Tuesday below zero.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I'll link up as soon as she posts (or later after a trip to town).

The weather outside is . . .

15°F (feels like 4°F).

Snow moving in by the bucket loads, starting tonight. However, there is snow coming down as I type up this blog post and the snow plow has been past the house several times already.

How I am feeling this morning. . .

Happy that my husband is off work today.  We may make a trip into town for a part we need for the hallway.  Just depends on how long he sleeps in and what else needs done today.  I forgot to pick up cat food for the barn cat, and we could stand to re-stock toilet paper, so a trip to town before more snow falls might happen.  I'm just happy he is home today.

On my mind . . .

Well, I'm not happy to see that there is talk of banning state travel (meaning no travel in or out by the Federal Government), and Florida is it's first target.  It's getting so ridiculous.

We recently dined out for breakfast at one of our favorite local eateries.  Not any more.  I won't dine where the servers are wearing gloves.  I literally watched a waitress pull down her mask, blow her nose with her gloved hands, put the mask back up and served food to customers wearing the same gloves.  The glove wearing is not doing anyone any good as you can see.  Gross!  Blow your nose...wash your hands.  

I hope we can find someone to plow us out. The trash gets picked up tomorrow, and the mail won't deliver if the mailbox area is not plowed.  Not to mention everyone works tomorrow, and the girls turn into anxiety girls when it snows this bad.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Bean, sausage, egg and cowboy candy burritos, coffee.

On my reading pile . . .

As the Earth Turns

On my TV . . .

No Tomorrow (Netflix)

On the menu this week . . .

-Crockpot cod, corn relish, roasted veggies

-Pizza casserole (new recipe I want to try)

-Baked chicken, sweet potatoes


-new treat recipe (more on that if I try it)

From the camera . . .

Sunday morning sunrise.

Looking around the house . . .
Dirty dishes.  Dirty dishes everywhere.  Kitchen sink pipes are not thawed, so I'll be hauling hot water to the kitchen in tubs.  Hubby says he doesn't want to put the propane heater on it yet.  We have water everywhere else in the house.  It's dripping, but not that much and frustrating.  This snow and wind won't help either.

New Recipe I tried, or one we really enjoyed. . .

I tried a copy cat dairy queen hot dog chili recipe (  The results? My husband said, "perfect!"  You can find the recipe online. I used home canned BBQ sauce and the chili sauce can be made homemade using home canned tomato sauce.  

The story behind trying this.....

My husband and I grew up in the same area, and Dairy Queen was a regular hang out hot spot for years. However, the owner and his wife sold it a few years ago, and opened up a pizza place in the southern states (taking their recipes with them).  Anyway, we dined there a year ago maybe, and the chili sauce on the hot dog he ordered was terrible.  They changed the menu, serving sizes and it was all a bad experience.  

For some odd reason I was thinking about it, and I made it using organic ingredients.  He loved it.   I will probably make it again and start freezing some for summer camping and cookouts.

To relax I will . . .

Watch netflix with hubby, sip hot cocoa with peppermint vodka in it, crochet and work on my scrubbie order.  If the dishes are done quicker than I expect, I would love to make the new treat recipe.

Something I want to share . . .

Little Acts of Kindness:

6. Give a homeless person your doggie bag

7. Say "I love you" to someone you love

8. Put a coin in an expired meter (if these even exist anymore, s our big city has machines to put your debit card in, which I do not like).

9. Each time you get a new item of clothing, give away something old.

10. Bring your assistant coffee

(I had to skip some on the list I have, as they can't be done anymore with covid restrictions sadly).

Prayers . . .

Mom - she's getting her first covid vaccine Tuesday.  The entire business of the development of the vaccine (when there is worldwide treatment for it) scares me.  Plus, she has the weather to deal with too, and isn't supposed to be doing her own shoveling.


  1. Love lace!!!!

    We are getting snow too. But not like you are! Enjoy the beauty but stay warm and safe.

    "Well, I'm not happy to see that there is talk of banning state travel (meaning no travel in or out by the Federal Government), and Florida is it's first target. It's getting so ridiculous."

    Beyond ridiculous! Simply political!!!! Florida is Republican and not totally listening to the "Office of Pandemia". Which wants to keep us, in constant fear and trepidation.

    We are in our 80's, so yes, we wear a mask to grocery store. Actually, for a couple of years before, I have insisted on us wearing masks to grocery store, to try to not get the FLU! And we never eat out, during Flu Season. No... We are not taking undue chances.

    But if I was healthy and young, I would want to get the China/Covid virus. And be given, the meds, about which I keep writing. For recovering. And be safe for a number of months. Maybe by then, the shot, would be more vetted, and it would be safe to get it/them.

    We are becoming more and more skeptical, of the China/Covid vaccine. Too many unknowns, and too many bad outcomes....

    Repeat, we are not denying the Virus. We are being an informed form of skeptical.

    "It sifts from Leaden Sieves --
    It powders all the Wood.
    It fills with Alabaster Wool
    The wrinkles of the Road."
    ~Emily Dickinson

    ☃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ⛄

  2. That's disgusting about the gloves and makes me wonder if she has her food handler's permit even (maybe it isn't a thing everywhere?) as you are supposed to change gloves after something like that (or even I think you touch something other than food). Those rules are fairly fresh in my mind as I just had to renew mine for work (it's a requirement even in non-Covid times). On a more pleasant note, you always share the most beautiful sunrise photos. Hope you stay warm and have a wonderful week!

  3. Oh don't get me started on the travel ban with states... I am so over all of this BS! The sunrise is gorgeous! Hot cocoa with peppermint vodka...perfect! Happy Monday!

  4. Beside a babbling brook, we don't eat out that often in winter, but we had to go to town for parts for the hallway remodel. I won't eat there again. Blech.

  5. Jean, it was gross to watch. I mean if you ran a day care and wiped a kids nose, you washed your hands to avoid being reported to the health dept. I didn't report the restaurant, but will tell my friends and family about it.

  6. Thanks Jodi, we too are so sick of what's going on in this country. Good gravy!

  7. The lace curtains are beautiful!
    We cannot go into other 'towns' let alone go anywhere else!

    Have a great week

  8. These times are trying to say the least. We haven't eaten out in over a year sadly Chuck has such health issues that keep us home. I see why you wouldn't want to eat where they wear gloves...yuk. The shot worries me so for now won't be getting one. Praying for this mess to be gone soon.
    I love your lace curtains on the door! Beautiful!
    Take care sweet friend.

  9. Hibiscus House, if you go back a few posts beyond this one you'll see another one of the curtains and one of the window film I put up. Thanks. And yes, eating out is not a good thing for us anymore, and the shot worries me too. My Mom plans to get it, but that alone worries me more.


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