Monday, January 18, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm up at 5am to stoke the fire and brew the coffee.  We are continuing to work on the downstairs hallway flooring.  It's looking great too.  

It snowed most of the day Sunday.  Big soft flakes that pretty much melted away as they fell.  We had zero sun sadly.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

I will link up later when she posts.  

The weather outside is . . . 

33°F/24°F, cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning. . .

Egg/cheese sandwich with Ezekiel bread and a sprinkle of herbs we use that goes great with eggs, adds flavor and a touch of healthiness.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's still dark out. Posting early.

As I look around the house . . .

It's a mess, but it will look that way until we have things back in their places and the flooring done.

What I am wearing today . . .

PJ's and robe right now.

Currently reading . . .

Expiration dates.  Yep.  On food supply and on medical supplies - store bought and homemade.  For those who can cowboy candy, I found a few jars from 2018.  Gulp.  Safe to eat or pitch.  I do have plenty from last year.

On the TV . . .

Live Free or Die Hard 

(interesting that they talk about the government controlling us in this movie).

On the menu this week . . .

Tacos/Taco Salad

Chicken Enchilada Casserole, Green Beans

....have no idea for the rest.

Something fun to share . . .


Favorite photo from the camera . . .

The new flooring.  I love it so far.  Sorry for the glare, I took it at 5:30am this morning.  Will get better daylight photos when we are all done.  I feel like I'm doing an episode of my own "This Old House" ha ha ha!  

Prayers, Inspiration Quotes, Devotionals. . .

Prayers for daughter K, and her friend A, who are flying to NJ this Wed (20th) to visit a friend.  Nothing we could say to either one would change their mind on going.  I just pray for safe travel and safe health.


  1. I will keep your daughter and her friend in my prayers. I love the new flooring, it is going to look amazing when its finished.

  2. Love the new flooring! We re-did the flooring in our Family Room and Bedroom last summer and I love it :) I hope you can stop by:


  3. Pretty flooring! Prayers for safe travels and health for your daughter and her friend. Hope you have a great week!

  4. Thank you mamasmercantile, collettakay and Jean!

  5. Cowboy candy, canned with vinegar, should easily still be good if the seal is good and it was stored in a cool, dark location.

    Although I like to eat my home canned goods within a few years, I occasionally have jars that go for 4 or 5 years with no problems. Foods with lots of sugar, like jelly, and things with vinegar, like pickles, are very shelf stable.
    Tomato and pineapple products I would be more concerned about.

  6. Love the flooring! We just sanded and restrained our hardwood floors. It's hard when things are all disorganized.

  7. W. thanks, I too like to use up canned items within a few years.

  8. That flooring is beautiful! I went through expiry dates in the bathroom cabinets last week too.
    Have a great rest of the week


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