Sunday, January 17, 2021

Progress on Hallway and other Tidbits


We have started ripping out the carpet in the hallway.  We started on the lower level due to the baseboard heater.  However, once the carpet was out, we realized the builders put the heater flush with cement, so we'll have to do some cutting that we didn't expect (of the flooring).  Also the tack boards were installed with nails into the cement, so it took a hours to pull them all out.  King says "Hello."  

So far it's been 3 trips to Home Depot.  I know there will be another one, but this morning we will be cutting and splitting wood first.  Then it's back to the hallway if we have time.

We will be replacing the blinds in both large hallway windows as well, so I must add that to my list or it'll be yet another trip to town.  The blinds are broken (just old).  

There was a request for the recipe for Hot Pepper Mustard Sauce.  Here is the recipe link.  I was given this recipe by a family friend's mother who has since passed.  It truly is a good recipe to have.  Makes cooking so simple and delicious.  I have left half the seeds in for a spicier sauce and left them out for a mild sauce.


  1. You are one busy lady!

    So glad to see the worm turning for you all. you seem to be extremely positive and marching forward with the termination. Great post looking forward to more!

  2. Goatldi, thank you. I am so happy we are getting this done, and there is much more to update on the house. Feels so good too.

  3. Updating always does wonders for me. Even a new coat of paint makes me feel as if I have done something wonderful. This spring or summer we plan on replacing the flooring in the dining room and kitchen.

    You are moving right along.

    God bless.

  4. Hello King, so nice to see you. You are doing a great job, so much progress.

  5. Jackie, painting is on the to-do list when it is warm enough as well. I love our new hallway, and can't wait until it's done and we move on to the next project.


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