Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Day 3 of Flooring

I'm so glad we are getting rid of what carpet we can.  Man the dust!  Cough, cough!  My allergies will be so much better.  

I had to laugh about the whole thing though.  Hubby said, "no problem, we can knock this out in a few hours."  Ha!  That didn't happen, but we are glad we are going it.  We have two steps in the hallway, and those take a bit more work to get it right.

We haven't done anything like this for almost 15 years.  I'm so, so glad we dove into into it.  I have no idea what made me all the sudden want to do the updating on the house, other than it keeps me busy and my mind off of the world and what horrible things the government is doing to us.  

It's hard to get a good photo of the actual flooring, as it was cloudy and snowing.  You can see in the top photo that halfway thru putting in the flooring, that my husband had the idea to beautify the walls a bit.  We started the lower half, but still need to finish the upper half (two steps, long and wide hallway).  I will need to paint that garage door come warmer weather, along with the side door. The paint on the walls look yellow, but it's a tan color.

I however, after seeing how nice it is looking, do not want to put the bookshelf back in the hallway.  There is literally no where to put it in the house.  It will not fit up the stairs either. This is a problem for me now.  I'll have to purge all the books in the house, and make room for what I really really want to keep if I do this.  I have all week to decide.

My husband is back to work today, so we will be working on it on weekends.  Unless we install better lighting in the garage anyway.  We have been relying on daylight to cut the flooring, wall pieces and trim.

Today is like our "Monday" and I have much to catch up on that was neglected to do the hallway.  I won't be bored for sure.  There is laundry, dirty dishes, a breakfast to bake, dinner to plan, towels to fold, and a lot of other cleaning and sorting.  I also need to purge the books (again).

Both girls are working every day and have barely any time to help nor do their own laundry.  At least they are working.  I however, am back to no vehicle.  Youngest's car is running rough, and we haven't had time to check it out.  It sits for another day.

I also have a list of things that need made - hand lotion, teas, salves and other medicinals.  Orders to place and whatnot.  I hope to get a bit of handiwork time in as well.

I better get my second pot of coffee going, stoke the fire and get this day started.  Have a great Tuesday!


  1. My goodness you are busy. Love the floor, its looking wonderful.

  2. I like the colour of flooring you chose.

    God bless.

  3. You are so busy! that flooring is just beautiful


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