Friday, January 3, 2020

This and That ~ Finishes!

Although very prosperous on January 1st, I woke up the 2nd with no ambition whatsoever.  Quite possibly from not being a normally physical, while crafting.  We contemplated cutting wood, but never got off our bums to do that.

I sent an email to Pampered Chef.  I had a consultant tell me she had a ring replacement for me years ago, and never ever emailed me back.  I have a very old pastry model, and so far have not heard back from the company either.  It is no use to me without the ring.

I also emailed a nursing home in the "Big City" requesting a list of what they take for donations.  If you are purging be sure to ask nursing homes.  They will even take flower vases.  One time we brought flowers but forgot the vase when "P" was in there.  They had vases that had been donated for residents.  I may have mentioned this before.

I spent over an hour in the garage.  Filled the trunk for the thrift store, filled the trash, and brought in two old bed covers to wash and dry and re-use for Romeo's bedding. 

Finished the baby blanket.  Older photo, but it's completely done.

Finished the spool Christmas tree ornaments!  Another UFO checked off the list.  I'm already onto the next UFO.  I used the ice cube tray to hold them upright while the glue dried.

I'm also working on purging a freezer currently.  Our menu will be designed based on what needs used in there.  I found a package of organic chicken pieces that were purchased to feed Jesse, so it's already out of the freezer and cooked up for Romeo.  He's loving it too.

Hubby gave me the green light to write him a list of things that need done.  He is either so busy, or so tired, or we have commitments, that he hasn't tackled jobs around here.  I've already got him set up now.  He told me his "mental" list is not working out for him.

I'm finding a lot of very small balls of yarn in my closet, so I plan to email the school and see if the art teacher can use them in her classes.  If not, I'm not sure what to do with them.  Other than the centers of misc. granny squares for a future "scrap" blanket. And I do not need another "new" project right now.  

I have emailed the elementary school office, but didn't see an "Art" teacher listed for the school.  I wonder if nursing homes do art projects with residents?  I guess I find out from both and decide where to donate the balls of yarn.

Woke up today with warmer temps and rain.  No fire in the wood stove oddly.  It's a strange January already.

This and That ~ Finishes  © Jan 2020 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Our temperatures are above average for this time of the year too. I am thankful for that as we are not burning as much wood, although my husband wants a fire to never go out. Also, the grand doll was able to play outside yesterday. She loved it!

  2. Carol, I too am thankful not to use up firewood right now. I think rain is in the forecast this weekend, and we can only cut wood on the weekends here (since it's so dark so quickly when Hubby gets home from work).

  3. Actually if there is a preschool in the area, they might like the yarn scraps. And another haul from the garage- awesome!

  4. I guess the warmer weather is a mixed blessing. I keep waiting for the other boot to drop. You are a cyclone of activity! That is a good tip, donating to nursing homes. We have a visiting nurse/hospice organization that has a thrift store, so I am currently making a pile for the trek north. I have been pretty unhappy with my local Goodwill.

  5. Susan, we only have one Goodwill left close by, and the Salvation Army store closed. Not many thrift stores to donate too. I'm glad I can find other places too.

  6. There are replacement parts for Pampered Chef cookie presses on Ebay. I don't know if they will fit your model, but it might be worth a look. I've found parts for broken or worn out things on the site and in one instance saved over a hundred dollars on a furnace part. Good luck.

  7. Nursing homes and assisted living homes are a great idea for old, yet still stylish and servecible clothing, shoes, etc. I bet they might be able to use the yarn bits too. Some of the elderly use to do needlework when they were younger, but now can't afford the supplies to do it. Another good idea would be the daycare at the local "Y" if your local one has a daycare for craft projects too. When I had my in home daycare, I had an entire box of snips and snippets that the kids loved to glue to this and that to take home.
    Been sick here with some kind of coughing crud since last weekend. Went to the drs Monday. RXs cost over $70, even with all the discount cards and my VA card. But then we didn't go all the way to the VAMC cause it's 35-40 miles away and Bro's car has been having trouble with the battery. Ughhh... It's always something with that car, but it's all we have.
    Finally turned the corner on this illness about suppertime this evening. Had rice and chicken broth, then spice tea and jelly toast. Not much and not balanced, but it was all I was hungry for, and apparently it was enough, cause I got 4 loads of laundry done.
    Praying a safe weekend for everyone.
    Love to all.
    God bless.

  8. Was just thinking about that cookie gadget. Maybe you could find the part in a bin at a thrift store.
    God bless.

  9. RB have you tried Good Rx for a coupon for your prescriptions? My one daughter could get hers cheaper that way than using insurance. I looked on ebay for part but didn't find it. I'll try the thrift store. Thanks.

  10. What others suggested for your little yarn balls. They commented all my suggestions. :)

  11. I think it's a wonderful idea to donate to retirement homes! I'd never have thought of that! Your ornaments are really cute Kristina. A freezer purge is a great idea! I got really creative when I was doing that last fall!

  12. Great to get things done! For donating things you might consider- Head Start, day care centers for disabled adults, etc. I used all kinds of odd art supplies for students for collages in our elementary school library. Those libraries are typically really under-funded. Just a thought. Just curious, you have "surviving today's recession" in your header, do you feel that in your rural area you're still in a recession? Thanks

  13. Yes, that was with Good RX. :(
    God bless.

  14. Thanks Nancy, yeah, I guess I need to update my header lol!


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