Thursday, January 2, 2020

Taco Night ~ UFO's

New Year's Eve we had tacos, and hot bean taco dip.  I had to refill my homemade taco mix, and since I had my bulk containers of cumin and chili powder out, refilled my pantry jars too.  

We spent New Year's Day taking down the trees and outside lights.  Totes were all put away too. Got it all done by 10am too.  

It was a blistery snowy, windy day New Year's Eve day.  I took advantage of it and cleaned out the fridge, and tackled one of my UFO's.  I am super excited to stay on task.  I got a lot of craft time on Wed.

I had the fabric done, but had to attach them to the burlap and glue them onto the jars.  The final product is on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot.  

Sorry for the bad photo - took it before 5am this morning.

I'm thrilled to say I'm using fabric scraps that a wonderful lady mailed me years ago.  I am still using them for gifting.  I also used the embroidery floss for the gifts, which I won from a blog giveaway years ago.  I have more ideas using the scrap fabric as well.  

I finished this UFO as well.  They are tucked away in the right box for next Christmas or gift giving.

I am still working on the spool ornaments, but hope to have them completely done today.  We'll see.  I'm tackling cleaning and purging again.


  1. It is wonderful to find the time to tackle some of these projects. I planned to take our tree down yesterday, but got a migraine and decided that I was just not up to it. I am hoping maybe I will be able to get to it today, but I have the grand doll so probably not since I have to go into the attic to get the containers.

  2. Carol, I hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. You are an inspiration, Kristina! I love those labels on the burlap - what a great idea for packaging homemade gifts!

  4. Thanks Susan, now I need a tote to put them in to keep the dust off until next Christmas, lol!

  5. Happy New Year! I am in the mood to clean and organize too and finish up some craft items. New Year...Fresh Start! I love the jars and the keychains. Great use of what you have! That's the pioneer spirit!
    HAve a great and productive day...again!

  6. Wow, you're off to a running start on the New Year! I haven't started to take down the holiday decorations yet and put up the "winter" ones. The project will take me a whole day and I'm procrastinating for all I'm worth! Am shooting for another day in my quilt room.

    Love the labels on your jars. I may steal your great idea! Especially for gift giving.

  7. Thanks Sam I Am, I'm filling the car up for a trip to Goodwill next.

  8. Thanks Mama Pea, I am so thrilled to get so much done already.

  9. You are cruising! If you run out, I will lend you a few things from my UFO pile :-) (heehee)

  10. I love the little motifs. Are they key chains?


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