Monday, January 6, 2020

Finishes ~ Monday Madness

Over the weekend we took a car load of stuff and donated it to a thrift store.  Stopped at the hardware store and picked up supplies.  We made a visit to Mom's too, where one of our kid had also stopped in.  I took her one of the spool ornaments and a jar of homemade taco mix. 

Hubby started on his "to-do" list too.  Nothing is completely checked off, but one job is half-done right now.

I finished another UFO (unfinished object, but I think it should be UFP - unfinished project).  Anyway, the scrap yarn rug went to our youngest for her hope chest. 

We also cut, split, loaded, unloaded and stacked wood.  We didn't want to, but we needed to.

Blueberry pancakes made with whole wheat Einkorn flour, sausage, and organic black coffee.  That's what's for breakfast this morning.

I'm working on this UFO - kitchen towel.  It am using various patterns from library books to finish this project.  Hubby laughed when I told him I think I started it back in 2013 or something.

I took this photo on 1-6-18.  Same day as today, but last year.  We have no snow this year. The baby blanket was gifted to our daughter for our grandson Colt. Who knew so much would change?

I was up at 3am this morning.  I had a ton of dishes to wash.  Fire was stoked and it's a day of laundry and more cleaning.


  1. HI Kristina - busy as usual! Maybe someday you can talk about hope chests. You have mentioned that before, but I for one do not know much about that. Is it an actual chest? You seem to put household linens in them. When do the girls get them? Do they have to get married to get them? What if they never do?

  2. Wow. You are a buzz saw today! Change yes it is isn’t it?

  3. I love the rug, so colorful, and so great made out of scrap yarns. I love the kitchen towel too. That's going to bless someone big.
    I'm often up at 3 or 4am doing dishes too, cause Bro Tom has a habit of bringing dirty ones in from his cabin after I get the dishwasher loaded, so I have to add more or wake up to dirty dishes in the sink which I hate.
    I know your heart would hurt seeing the picture of the baby blanket. All I can say is, I'm so sorry. It's just not right for mothers to bury their children. Lord, it's just not right.
    Who knew so much would change, but still, we keep going on which means God still has things He needs us to do for Him.
    Praying for you.
    With love.
    God bless.

  4. Debby, I will post about her hope chest. I don't really have a "chest" to put it in, but it goes in storage bins. Thanks.

  5. Thanks RB, here's hoping for a good 2020.


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