Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Garden Work Day!

Tuesday it was dry, sunny and hot.  I spent as much time as I could in the garden.  Hoe in hand, and a lot of weeding.  I noticed once again, some of my zinnias didn't come up, and they were purchased seeds.  Darn birds.

The to-do list is off the charts right now.  I feel like I'm going in circles right now.

It's been a HUGE struggle to plant the little bit we planted this year, but my heart sang after seeing the radishes make it through the flood.  Not sure on the potatoes, but I got enough garlic scapes to make garlic scape and radish spread.  My scapes are not that big this year, and garlic doesn't look that great, but they are alive for the most part.

This my friends however, is the herb garden.  Weeds are growing faster than the herbs and it's on the to-do list.  

Here is what I tackled first though  - tomato patch.  Ain't it purty (with a sarcastic sing-song voice)?  I planted them different this year, so I have to hand weed or hoe between plants, and till in the rows.  The plants are closer together with a wide row in between, using up less space for more plants and an easier tie up method.  We'll see how it goes.
I got about 15-16 plants weeded, stakes secured again, and tied up.  By then it was too stinkin' hot.  I'll resume today and the next day until it's ready to till.  Just a hot mess.

I dug up two roses from the north of the property - pain in the bum to keep weeded/watered and to mow around.  Moved them to the flower beds.

Tackled the tall weeds in the rose bed until something hissed at me.   Nope.  Nope.  Nope.  Most likely a snake, and if I can't see it, nope, nope, nope.  Hubby's job now.

After showering and moisturizing for a second time, I sprayed myself down with homemade bug repellent and grabbed a wine slushy.  It was truly "island" time for me at that point.

Had a brief revival break, and was back inside to do dishes and start laundry.  In the midst of doing dishes had to go out to the driveway, where a man was approaching my daughter as she was leaving to go swimming.  Nosey people need to stay off my property and stop worrying about when and how and who I give barn wood too.

Laundry was done much later than normal, but I had expected our friend to come and mow.  


  1. Love your purty tomato patch! :) Wine slushy yum yum yum!!! That would erk me...people just walking up like that. When we buy our place, Alex and I plan on fencing and a locked gate with plenty of "private property" signs. Your scapes and radishes look great!

  2. Thanks Rain, yeah the guy pulled in our driveway and just started walking towards her. Thankfully, I am always looking out the window while inside and shot out the door quick. I think I scared him too, lol!

  3. You may not have had a snake in your weeds. Box turtles hiss, too. Your scapes and radishes look good. My zinnias haven't even sprouted yet because I still have not planted them. If I get it done in a day or two I should get a few blooms very late in the summer, maybe. All spring this year we have had so much rain, and on the days that were nice, we had to catch up with other yard things. It's been difficult to even keep the lawn mowed.

  4. It seems to go from one extreme to the other with the weather. Those radish look good and I love the idea of wine slushy, a great evening pick me up.

  5. Susie, it's been horrible keeping up with everything this year. Too much rain, now not enough rain.

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile, the wine slushy was a nice treat.


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