Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

I finally finished up the strawberries I purchased.  Most of the remaining went into the freezer.

I saved some for Strawberry Delight.  It's the same as my Mom's "Cherry" Delight, but with strawberries - a cheesecake type dessert.

I also started some strawberry vodka.

Although I'm behind in weeding the flower beds and herb garden, the flowers continue to bloom.  

Motherhood can sometimes be a very exhausting.  Our 21 year-old daughter finally made her appearance.  

She was cited for this accident, driving the wrong way in a one way road.  The guy that hit her was on a motorcycle, with no helmet, but thankfully he got back on his bike and rode it home.  Not sure what this will cost her, but I was shaking my head.  Thankfully, she kept up on her own insurance, but the guy still hasn't produced his own proof of insurance.


  1. The strawberries are looking good. Sorry to hear about your daughters accident, on a positive note at least she wasn't injured...


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