Thursday, June 27, 2019

Hot Mess

Tuesday evening, I must have been as tired as my husband.  Late at night, I realized I didn't lock up the chickens.  I had them in their run.  Hubby went out and put them away, but by morning, I also realized I left a load of laundry in the washing machine.  Wednesday was not only a very hot day, but I was a hot mess.

Due to an appt. for our youngest daughter, weeding was delayed (appts always mess up my plan).  It was already up to 83°F by the time we got back home.  I debated and debated.  I watered the flower pots and gave up.  The bugs were terrible and the heat horrible (like any summer).

I put ribeye steaks in a boozy marinade, looked online for any deals on carpet shampooers, purged clothing in my closet, and started a box for the goodwill.

Dinner was easy peasy - grill night.  It was a hot, hot day.


  1. some have it, and some you don't. I'm having a not so much day today, but there are things to do, not all sunshine and roses today...well we have's hot 87. It will dry things up which have had to much moisture. I've got to get busy.
    Taking things to Goodwill....a good thing, and yes you feel like you've lightened your load a wee bit, and helped others at the same time. Now that I am getting older, I am more choosy about purchases, they are fewer and farther between, but have a substantial impact on my well being. Thank you for always stopping over and visiting with me...I really appreciate it, and look forward to our over the clothesline chats.

  2. Faith, had to laugh when you said over the clothesline chats, ha ha! We have hot weather again today, and it's outside work and I'm not really loving it.

  3. You are so right - no matter when an appointment it, it tends to shoot your whole day. I am worth less than nothing in hot, humid weather and that is all that's on the horizon for the next couple of weeks. Too bad the weeds find it the perfect climate for taking over.

  4. I would call it a over the garden gate chat like talking to a friend over the gate as they pass.

  5. I love your posts !! I have been following you for about a year, and just love them. You are so down to earth, and tell it like it is !! I am a Mainer Wish I lived closer !!

  6. Deb, ha ha! Yes, I do tell it like it is. I wish I had neighbors like you too.

  7. Susan, I do hate appts. I just don't get anything else done. We are heading into a very humid week next week too.


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