Monday, February 4, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I discovered that radio is very, very boring at 6am on a Sunday.  I needed noise in the house, but man, I had to turn that radio off and put in a CD.  I had a long day ahead.  Just the thought of cooking dinner and making more dirty dishes....we ate leftovers.

We woke up to a warm 39 degrees.  We had a whopping high of 50!   That meant a big work day for me.  

When these temps go up and down so quickly, it is easy for people to get sick, so I reminded the clan to load up on probiotics.  It's easy to live on comfort food when you are stuck inside and can't do much.

Laundry was way, way behind.   It's was a strange weekend.  Hubby left for work before 6:30am and didn't get home until almost 1am Fri-Sun.  Then Daughter stayed with a friend.  It was very weird to be home alone, but I wasn't bored either.

Then my 19 year-old called and wanted to visit.  Yay!  Let's just say that Sunday wasn't uneventful.  Her car broke down not far from here, but thankfully not on the country highway.  Luckily, help stopped, and gave her a ride here.  Thankfully, Hubby's nephew and friend towed it to our place.  Thankfully, the guy and his kids who picked her up, prevented her from having an "I don't want to be adult" meltdown.

While she was here, I showed her how to make "Full Throttle" spice mix and let her taste the sweet potato in the scramble with it, because she doesn't like sweet potatoes.  Yay!  She liked it so she took the recipe too.  She also took a few more, and is going to start cooking at home vs. fast food.  Double Yay!

Tinctures were strained, teas infused, counters sanitized with homemade "Lysol" wipes and so forth.  I have new recipes to try, there are items I need canned, and seeds need ordered.  Two cupboards under sinks were purged, cleaned and reorganized.

On the breakfast plate. . . 
First, a bowl of organic miso soup.  Just keepin' my body happy.

...then some sweet potato/bacon/kale and egg scramble.  We are still enjoying our garden grown sweet potatoes, but I believe that was the last of the kale in my freezer.  I can't wait to be in the garden again.

The weather outside . . .
Raining with a high of 53°F.  We hit a record high of 56°F yesterday.

On my reading pile . . .
Same book, and a pile of library books I need to flip through (patterns)

On my TV . . .
I just watched a movie on netflix called Deadly Switch.  I love watching a show where I cannot figure out who is doing the bad stuff, but I figured it out too early.  Mostly watching regular channels - cooking, gardening, farming etc.

On the menu . . .
I didn't get meatballs made, so after checking the freezer for space (to pre-freeze them), so that's on the list first
-new recipes

With only 3 of us here, I find leftover night happening often, so I guess we'll see what happens this week.

On the to-do list . . .
(for the week)
-muck coop
-deep clean bedroom
-vacuum, sweep
-order seeds
-make homemade meatballs
-make homemade sausage
-work out
-shampoo living room carpet (spot clean)
-make lip balm
-make face lotion
-make laundry soap
-make dishwasher detergent
-try new recipes
-split wood

What I am creating . . .
I'm still working on the panels for a set of red pot holders and hot pad, a dishcloth is on the knitting needles, new patterns to try and more.

Looking around the house. . .
I have a bit of cleaning, but after washing dishes 3 times, the house looks pretty good.

From the camera . . .
I haven't been taking many photos lately, but I sure love this one.  I miss that hot tub.
One of my simple pleasures . . . 
Reading old cookbooks

Praying for . . .
The kids


  1. Just to say...Meatballs..
    A meatball is ground meat rolled into a small ball,
    sometimes along with other ingredients, such as bread
    crumbs, minced onion, eggs, butter, and seasoning....
    But we ALL know that..
    Meatballs are cooked by frying, baking, steaming, or
    braising in sauce...
    Nice way l enjoy them is braised in tomato sauce...
    Typical Italian dish, brown the meatballs in a frying
    pan with a few onions, tin of chopped tomatoes, add
    water if necessary to cover the meatballs, a beef/chicken
    stock cube..simmer for half hour! Enjoy them with garlic

    AND! YES! I'm praying for ALL the kids...!

  2. Willie, I make mine with oats vs. bread crumbs and they are wonderful. Yes, I love them with a tomato sauce base too.

  3. Hi Kristina glad your daughter got to your place ,it's a shame her car broke down.
    Gee you have a big list ,hope you manage to get it all done,keep warm my friend xx

  4. Winter is good hot tub weather, keep telling my husband we have room in our backyard but he says "no." Glad your daughter found help with the car trouble, car trouble is never fun. Hope everyone stays healthy & you have a wonderful week!

  5. I make mine with breadcrumbs usually but I am going to give them a try using oats, that sounds really good. Glad to hear the weather has picked up and the temperatures have risen. Take care.

  6. Glad the temps are warming up for you a bit and love the barn pic. Your breakfast skillet looks yummy and sounds very nutritious! Have a great week ahead and blessings! <3

  7. Happy to know your daughter got help. I too find myself having way too many leftovers now that there is just the two of us. Trying to cut recipes but not always working out. Have a great week.

  8. Look at that to-do list! Whew makes me tired just reading it! The sweet potato/bacon/kale egg scramble looks yummy! Have a great week!

  9. Sheryl, yes my list is long, but busy is good in winter too.

  10. Thanks mamasmercantile, the meatballs are delicious.

  11. Rebecca, I make sure we get our greens some way or another. I am praying for a good garden year so I'll have lots in the freezer.

  12. I hope you had a GREAT week. I didn't get as much accomplished in blogland as I would have liked and am extremely late visiting everyone - so much so that it's time to post today's almost.


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