Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Surprise Day

I had lots to do, and was in full swing in cleaning when I got the message from Hubby.  He was getting off work early and wanted to take a short bike ride.  By bike, I mean motorcycle.

You should have seen me trying to get the cold weather ear flaps back into my helmet.  Ha ha!  They zip in, and oh boy it's been a long time, so I had a bit of difficulty.  I managed to get them in.

I was a bit concerned.  When he messaged me, there was still lots of water and ice at the end of the driveway.  The sun was out and it was 50°F by 10am.  

The cleaning and long list of jobs to do was put away for a day.  I was totally surprised.


  1. How fun! :) I hope you had a great ride! Motorcycles won't be around here until May I think.

  2. Good for you its so nice for you to have some quality time together.

  3. Rain, it was fun for sure. I was blessed he came home early, as it started to rain in the afternoon after we got back.


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