Sunday, February 3, 2019

Just Can't Make it Up

Everything that could go wrong in the last 24 hours has.  I just can't make this stuff up, and I won't dump it on all of you with boredom.  It more likely would make your jaw drop.

I put on my big girl panties and only concentrated on what I could, which wasn't a lot.   Due to Hubby's schedule and major overtime, he has not yet repaired the truck ignition.  We can jump it, but you can't shut it off until you are back home, so a trip to town was not possible, and putting a call out to the kids failed with kid #1, sent a text to #2 - hooray!  A ride.

At this point, I'm thinking I need to go to school to learn about auto mechanics.

On top of that Tiger is now throwing up all over because he keeps eating Aurora's food and I have no way to separate them in the house.  I cannot, I repeat cannot wait for warmer temps to put Aurora back outside.

The one thing I could do, was put new ink in the printer and print my seed list.  

On top of all of that (leaving out all the bad stuff), I have to watch for the mail and it varies.  We may have a mail thief.  Just by chance I caught someone at the mailbox as I went out to get wood.  He left quickly and of course I did not have my phone to get a photo of the plates.  Thankfully, my mail lady put some recent packages in the inside of the truck the other day.  It's good to have people looking out for your deliveries anymore.  I am home 24 hours/day, but it's winter and like I said, delivery varies.  And I may not her her honk when she has a package that won't fit inside the mailbox.

I'm saving all the "bad" stuff for my book.  I was writing again yesterday.  I have a cousin in CA, that has connections, so I am hoping she knows someone with a publisher/editor that would look at it down the road.  I'm seriously jumping in on this.  I have some other ideas brewing as well.  Please cheer me on, because the way I see it, you can't succeed without trying.


  1. HeHe! Bless! When l was younger..I used to watch..Dallas..
    From 1978~1991..Without fail..and many repeats since..
    I~LOVED~IT..Glued to the screen..Well..I've been having
    a little read and connect to this Blog via Henny...
    AND! AND! This is becoming very close to Dallas..I love
    reading your daily..what shall l call them..uuuuuuM! :).
    Ah! Adventures..Bless!
    As the song says.."Keep On Truck'in"..
    But..the important thing is..let's hope Tiger gets better,
    and, you know what pussy~cats are..into everything..Bless'em!x

  2. Willie, thanks for the laugh, ha ha! Yep. Lots of adventures here at the homestead.

  3. How exciting to be writing a book, lets hope your connections will be able to help get it published. Don't give up the dream, keep on writing.

  4. In the Marines, they say "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." I expect you will handle it all, you seem to be pretty resilient. Everybody has times like that, they aren't easy but they pass.

  5. It sounds like Murphy has taken up residence at your house!!
    I thought he was still here, what with windows still not finished and the furnace in the building making Son's apartment 78 degrees and mine right next door, a balmy 64. Hope Tiger improves soon, poor thing. Poor you!

  6. I am cheering you on because I feel like I am in the same boat of sorts, things keep coming up and I keep pulling myself up by my boot straps to try and get a handle on all of it. So good for you writing a book , Go For It!!! I wish you great success!! from Iowa

  7. I admire your fortitude, Hang in there, I keep pulling myself up by my bootstraps to deal with all the muck that keeps coming my way!! so GO For It!! I wish you great success on writing a book! and I hope your life gets a bit easier. from Iowa

  8. Thanks Harry, you are right, we get right through it.

  9. Thanks Vicki, we had a nice warm up yesterday .


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