Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Random Tidbits

Woke up to a sick daughter.  Whipped up some homemade ginger-ale, and got a crock pot of healing bone broth soup started.  Sprayed everything I could with "anti-ill" essential oil spray.  

I made cornbread to go with the soup, and it'll be part of tonight's dinner too.

My day went lick-ity-split fast due to the drive to the store for fresh organic lemons and limes, and a few groceries.  Followed by a mountain of laundry I wanted to get done in case the rain came as predicted today.  

Baked a cheddar and chili egg casserole for our "grab and go" breakfast this week.  It's delicious with real maple syrup on it too (odd but good).  I was lucky to get organic cottage cheese at a good price.  The other container will be frozen for future baked goods.

Hubby's work accidentally gave him (and many others) a $1,000.00 bonus (only some were to get them).  Now they are taking $500.00 out of each of his next two checks.  Wonderful...

We went from nice cool weather back to hot (lower 80's).  The snakes are back and they are sunbathing everywhere.  Oye.  It was much easier to weed without surprises when it was cooler out.

Worked on some crochet work. Not much, but a bit of progress.


  1. Hope your daughter is feeling better.

  2. Haven't been on for a while. First, computer crashed (dreaded red screen). Then as soon as I rebooted everything, Hurricane Frances went through NC. We only lost a few shingles, and power was only out for a few hours, but the internet went out for almost a week. When the technician came, he said the box at the street AND at our house were full of water and corroded. No surprise there, I guess. He fixed it pretty quickly.
    So now everything's up and running again. Been going to PT for the pain in my shoulders, arms and backs, and between that and the gabapentin and etodolac, I'm feeling pretty good most of the time. I even ran the vacuum last week, something I haven't been able to do since last fall (Bro Tom has been having to do it), and I was really tickled I could do that again.
    So things are back to normal, or as close as normal ever gets.
    Prayers for all of us through the week ahead, and for our safety.
    God bless.

  3. mamasmercantile, thanks. She's feeling better now.

  4. RB, glad to see you back. I'm also glad to hear you didn't get much damage from the storm.


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