Monday, October 1, 2018

Weekend Shenanigans

Let me start with Saturday.  It was homecoming for our youngest daughter, and she was in hot pursuit of nude nail polish.  I put an S.O.S. out to the older girls, but zero could run a bottle way out to our place.  She finally found some.

Hubby had to work, so the poker run didn't happen.  I was okay with that.  We woke up to a bone chilling 46°F and had a high of 63°F.  Although we ride year round, an all day poker run at those temps would be a bit uncomfortable.

We however, still rode the Harley Saturday.  Hubby got off work early, and we rode to a park to take homecoming photos.  We got time on the "sanity saver" and Daughter got her photos taken.  All were happy.

No garden work was done.  

Sunday we were up super early and got busy outdoors.  The mowing was on top of the list, and while Hubby started on that, I ripped out the old garlic bed (plastic and stakes).  It's all ready to mow down, till in peat moss, and replant.  I have 2 weeks to get it in the ground.  One section of the front flower bed was completely weeded and looks fantastic for the first time all summer (and now we are in fall, ha ha!).

Feeling proud of our work efforts we took off on the Harley.  We watched our nephew's football game (very young nephew), rode out to check out a local brewery and live music, and back home.  I'll be honest we were very tired, but as we sat on the porch and viewed our work, we were very happy folks.

Here's what's been on the crochet hook (photos as promised) - twisted ear warmers.

I got the green light with all of my girls, that these would sell.  I even got tips on what colors to use.  Although I never touched a hook all Sunday, more colors are in the making.

Rain is in the forecast, but we'll see how much I can get weeded today.  I'm finally getting my mojo back to get the weeding work done.  Not sure how, or even why, but it's back.  


  1. The ear warmers are stunning, a wonderful array of colours.

  2. I vote for the ear warmers, too! I may have to try something similar to hold my long hair out of my eyes - and out of the soup pot as well. :)

  3. Yes, I think the ear warmers will be good sellers at any market or craft show.

    Your temps sound a lot like ours. Still no frost here yet but it's going down into the 30s tonight, supposedly. May not be that cold as it's very cloudy and drizzly. Waaaahhhh, I want sunshine for this beautiful month of October!

  4. Mama Pea, our temps heated back up. It's muggy with possible rain.


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