Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Preparing for flu season ~ Preserving Lemon and Lime Juice

I highly prefer freshly squeezed lemon juice in my homemade remedies etc.  To prepare for winter here is what I do to preserve real lemon juice.

I do not have a juicer, which now I'm wondering if I should buy one.

I used my hand lemon squeezer, but either will work to juice fresh, organic lemons.

Pour juice into a clean, empty ice cube tray and freeze until solid.  Each cube (in my tray) holds 1-1/2 Tbsp. of lemon juice.

Remove cubes and place in a freezer container or freezer bag, label and place back into your freezer.

There you have it - real lemon juice on hand all the time.

...and of course I didn't waste the zest.  It went into the freezer as well, as these were organic lemons.

I use freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice in my homemade ginger-ale, so I froze lime juice too.

My goal has always been to purchase a Meyer lemon tree and grow my own, but that'll only happen when I have an extra $50.00.  That is how much they cost here.  Of course you can purchase organic bottled juices as well.  I have used them as a back up plan, to make homemade ginger-ale.


  1. As a Sicilian..I was raised on lemons and lemon juice..
    Always ate a lemon after meals..Why..???

    It promotes hydration..
    It's a good source of vitamin C..
    It improves your skin quality..
    It supports weight loss..
    It aids digestion..
    It freshens breath. ..
    It helps prevent kidney stones..
    (Just a few of it's benefits)....! :).

  2. Well said Willie. It's great to have on hand for baking too. I love adding it to hot and cold teas as well.

  3. I like to add it to hot tea, a great back up for these gloomy days.

  4. mamasmercantile, I agree, it's great in tea too

  5. I will have to look to see if I still have some seeds saved from my Meyers lemons. I bought my tree four years ago and love it to pieces. However, it is as big as I can let it get and now I need help hefting the pot in and out. I find that the flavor is not as tart as a regular lemon. I prefer regular lemon zest, though. I just wish organic lemons weren't so darn expensive!

  6. Thanks Susan, and yes organic lemons and limes are pricey here too.


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