Thursday, October 4, 2018

Pears ~ Cauliflower ~ Blueberry-Lemon Bundt Cake ~ Spooky Spider Ear Warmers

Pear picking has begun.  Deer have ripped down a branch, but the trees are loaded.  We carried back what we could, but need to go back out.  It may be the year to make pear wine.  We need more practice at it anyway.

I also picked another 6# of tomatoes.  Those went into the freezer with hopes for more.  Some plants are dying, while a few are thriving.

I was able to get 1 head of organic cauliflower in the freezer.  I snatched up one on clearance - $1.49.  I am hoping for more.

Here's what went with that leftover corn bread - dutch oven chili with bacon (but cooked in the crock pot this time).

Baked a blueberry-lemon bundt cake.  I felt bad when Hubby asked on Monday if I had baked anything "sweet."  Monday was a busy day.  It sort of stuck in the pan this time - added extra blueberries.  Lip smackin' good.

Got some more weeding done until I ran into this.....

I'm waiting on rain or Hubby to extract this, and then I'll continue weeding in that area.  No way am I even gonna try to remove it myself.

We'll be getting a dog soon.  Our oldest is moving and can't find a place that will allow dogs (that she can afford).  Mia will be getting "fostered" at our place for a while.  It will give us a chance to see if we want to get a puppy or not too.  She's well behaved, but doesn't like dogs she doesn't know.  We may get a puppy while we have her, so both can get used to other dogs.  Time will tell.

Believe it or this out...

I actually took time to start reading it and love it.  I am shocked I put my crochet hook down too.  Boy it felt good to read a book again.  I also did some journaling.  It felt great to put a pen in my hand and get off the computer as well.  

Daughter came home from school, and saw what I was crocheting and gave me a suggestion.  Like I need a new project, but...

This is what was created.  

Wednesday I finally got to the library to return and pick up books.  My weeding was delayed and the weather really heated up fast.  I checked on my green bell peppers.  There are a handful, and they are still small (sad face).  I will need to buy more of those to put up for winter now too.  


  1. That picture of teh pears made me smile. I was walking around my orchard the other day literally stuffing my face with all the different apples and pears thinking how lucky I am and how good all the fruit looks this year. I need to set about preserving them though! A job for this afternoon maybe!

  2. Thanks Kev, and yes we are very blessed with pears this year. We've had a very tough time with our garden harvest, but so happy for the pears. I've canned pear butter, pear jam with anise star and put some in the freezer for a few pies, but we hope to make wine too.

  3. This is my first year with more than two pears on my tree - it's wonderful! I made pear/apple butter and pear crumble so far, and eat one chopped up on my granola every morning. OMG, that spider! I wouldn't go within a mile of that monster! Cute ear warmer!

  4. Susan it's been a great year for our pears. Thanks on the ear warmer. I made the mistake of showing it to one of the girls. Now she wants one, but is broke, so I'm tossing the idea of just gifting her one.

  5. The ear warmers are great! But that real spider gives me the willies...eek. Oh, pear wine sounds fabulous Kristina, good luck with that!

  6. Rain, we have made wine once before, so we are still learning. It's fun to do, just need more advice from Hubby's co-worker who also makes it.

  7. Loved the ear warmer, made me smile. Pear wine sounds delicious.

  8. How about hard cider for the pear abundance? I enjoy a variety of hard cider but only tried pear last Autumn and again this year. Very nice and crisp.

    That cake knocks my socks off! Beautiful did you do a glaze for it? Yum.

    Love the garden weaver.She is lovely. Could you manage to relocate her with web intact?

  9. Goatldi, I did make a glaze for the cake. It has rained, so I was hoping that spider would move on by herself. She had been catching a lot of bugs.


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