Friday, October 5, 2018

Oh this weather.....randomness

Wednesday it heated up to 90°F, and of course it brought rain. Now they are saying lots of rain coming our way, so weeding went to a halt.  Just when I was getting things caught up.  The rain however, will be the fate of my garlic getting planted.  Sounds just like our spring we had - so much rain you can't plant.  The struggles have been real this year.  We must get the fruit tree baffles in or at least made for spring.  That's on the "do it when the snow flies" list.  I have a lot of lists right now.

Thursday it started out raining and muggy, but the temps went down to the 60's.  Layers went back on.  

I got caught up on my library book stash however.  I even got some reading time with my current book too.  More patterns were collected for my crochet and knit stash.

I didn't run out of things to preserve though.  Tomatoes were put into the dehydrator for tomato soups, pastas, stews, and even tomato powder.  It's not going to be a lot, but some is better than none.  I put some herbs up too for winter - medicinal and culinary.

I drained my calendula oil and 4 thieves vinegar.  I have a list of things to get made now.  Some need made soon, others can wait a bit longer.

I got a few "cans" of homemade condensed cream of mushroom soup made and into the freezer.  The smell of shallots cooking in butter had me hankering for salmon romanoff.  It's on the menu now.

The ladies have been slacking in the egg production lately.  I surely hope they speed up again.  We use eggs daily.


  1. Our egg production has slowed down also. I don't know what I'd do without our eggs. I use so many on a daily basis.

    We haven't had your high temps in a while but are still getting lots of rain. Sure does slow down any outdoor progress, doesn't it?

  2. I seem to have endless lists these days and not ticking much off.

  3. What a temperature roller coaster you have! I am quite happy here in my Nor Cal world of Autumn. Due to be cooler yet next week and sleeping weather going down to low 40's . I am happy with that 30's would be better. I must be part bear.

    You are one busy lady. I hope you can get in some garlic. Mine got planted over a week ago and I need to mulch it . The winterizing of the goat barns took priority this week with the rain days we have had including 1 inch in about 18 hours. However it has been so long we aren't sporting puddles yet.

  4. mamasmercantile, I'm not getting much crossed off my lists either

  5. Goatldi, I would much prefer the cooler weather too.

  6. The variety of aromas coming from your kitchen... how delightful!


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