Sunday, October 7, 2018

Weekend Updates ~ Freezer Pie Crust Crumbles Tip ~ probably my boring-est post yet

Friday we woke up to the chilling 40's again, and rain.  Yes that is a morning moon photo.  Weeding was ruled out upon onset of the day.  That's okay, I had floors to sweep and mop, vacuum etc.  Bills to pay, one errand to run, and so on.

I managed to snatch up a small amount of organic yellow squash.  It's now in the freezer.

My 19 year old daughter called.  She needed to vent.  She's now the manager of a video store, and often has employee issues.  I just put my phone on speaker and let her talk.  It was nice to hear from her.

Late evening our oldest daughter called.  Had a flat and could not get her tire off.  Hubby gave her advice, as it was too late to drive all the way there, and we were no help Saturday morning, other than giving her a ride.

Saturday it heated up to the mid 80's.  Muggy and more rain. Air conditioners off, air conditioners on... conversations started early out on the porch, and the garlic bed was discussed.  Rain is the issue.  I brewed the 3rd pot of coffee and still didn't have a plan for the day.  Couldn't muck the coop, hand laundry out, till, weed, etc.

Hubby had to work, so it was one daughter and I.  Started out the day cooking some whiskey-apple bacon to make breakfast sandwiches with. Cleaning resumed as the rain came down (again).  Knitting resumed.

I got a few knitted dishcloths done (photos to share later).  The weather has just been crazy, but typical for our October - hot, cold, rain, cold, rain, hot, fog...frustrating to say the least.

The strange fall-spring like weather helped me cross off one more thing off my "to-do" list - restock the freezer pie crust crumbles.  My tip?  

I slice the butter and put it in the freezer.  Then I put it in my food processor with a bit of the flour and pulse until it's in small bits.  Then I use my hand blender (aka butter cutter) to blend it into the flour/salt/shortening mix.  I use King Flour's recipe (found online) using all organic ingredients.

Sunday we woke up to a drizzle, fog, and a somewhat chilly morning (60's).  Hubby got called to work first thing.  We had plans for a motorcycle ride, but we are staying home.  I think.

I now have a second spider in my flower bed.  Despite rain, both are still there.  Hubby better get to work at moving them.

I also went to porch this morning, and sat down to enjoy my bacon/egg and cheese sandwich.  Just as I sat down, I noticed a frog sitting on the porch bench in front of me, staring at me.  Gently, I got him back in the garden.  Maybe he'll/she'll eat the spiders.


  1. Our weather here is hot, hot, hot, gnatty, gnatty, gnatty and skeeters as big as VW Bugs (well, it seems), and boring as all get out.
    We did have one wonderful cool morning last week. A customer asked when Fall was suppose to start. I told him, "We already had Fall. It was last Tuesday morning" and he laughed.
    Going through PT for my arm/shoulders, and it's really helping. I've discovered I'm curving my shoulders causing impingement in the back, so I'm told I have to stand up straight and work to keep those "wing bits" tight, so I'm trying to remember to do that.
    I'm also working on eliminating as much wheat as I can from my diet. I started last Friday, and I have to say, I'm feeling much better having done it, although gluten free products are expensive as all get out.
    As for that frog on your porch eating spiders? Maybe he was there for your bacon/egg and cheese sandwich. LOL
    Prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  2. RB, it's very hot here and it's odd for us. The wasps are chasing me off the porch, along with all the other bugs that came alive. Glad you are feeling better.


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