Thursday, March 29, 2018

I have a tea for that. . .

My family makes jokes about how often they hear me say, "I have a tea for that."  I say it often, because I truly do have a tea for what ails them at the time.  If I don't, I go searching for what I can give them.

Hubby is a true believer after I gave him a hot cup of freshly grated ginger tea (fresh is the best vs. a teabag from the store) for an upset stomach.  One daughter drinks raspberry leaf tea for her cramps (PMS).  

My Dad used to ask me "Is it Tea Time in Tanganyika?"  In my earlier years, when the kids were toddlers, days were often pretty busy and chaotic.  He was typically a babysitter when I needed to go shopping or run an errand.  He was often over for dinner too.  When he noticed I was chopping potatoes or onions a bit too roughly, he'd jokingly (smiling and laughing a bit) ask me if it was "tea time in Tanganyika." 

I've been a tea drinker (and coffee) all of my life.  When I started to grow my herb garden in the city, I became more interested in herbal teas and cures (and nutritional benefits).

Moving the the country on 6 acres of land, gave me so many more opportunities for natural cures.  Most weeds are of plenty here.  Some weeds I now grow in pots, but I do think some will grow better in the ground.  I'm searching out a location where I can simply grow them, away from the garden areas.  I do believe comfrey, and mullein will grow better in the ground, along with calendula.  The same with peppermint and spearmint.  They just don't seem to grow very well in pots, but on the other hand my yarrow and feverfew thrive in pots.

Here are a few different uses for "teas" we make, but used for a natural remedy.  I have a daughter still in high school, and she often comes down with cold type symptoms, and sometimes with painful canker sores. Of course, a salt water gargle is the first way I suggest my kids to cure canker sores.

I have a tea for that. . .
Raspberry leaf - make a tea using 1-2 tsp. dried raspberry leaf and 8 oz. of boiling water.  Allow it to cool and gargle 3-4 times a day with it to heal canker sores.  

Another cure for canker sores - sage tincture, or gargle with sage tea (1-2 tsp. dried sage with 8 oz. of boiling water, then cooled).

You can also make Anise tea or fennel tea for a sore throat, however, I didn't find it very effective.  I even made the Anise tea, kept it refrigerated, and used it in a spray bottle.  It didn't work very well either.

Personal FitnessTip. . .

For those struggling with age and weight.  To keep positive in my struggle, I told myself this - every movement burns calories.  

If you are deciding whether to dump the vegetable peelings in the house trash vs. walk it out to the compost bin, then walk out to the bin.  More calories burned.  I get the highest fitbit steps on laundry day. I have 3 clotheslines outside and every laundry day helps me burn calories and prevents me from a sedentary day.  Clean the bathroom, wash the windows, rake the pine cones, pick up sticks....but remember to take breaks too.  Just thinking positively.  Keep a balance of work and rest.  A mind over matter type thinking.

I know that some folks are physically unable to do the things I do here, but wanted to share how I took a negative thought into a positive thought.

Well, I've been up since 5am.  It'll be a nice 50°F day, but 100% chance of rain.  Again.  I'm sure my garlic and spring flowers (and weeds) are loving it.


  1. Rain here too but at least no tornadoes like farther South. I'm with you about keeping moving! I take more breaks than I used to and some tasks aren't as easy as they used to be but I manage and I keep moving. I always believed that if you are sedentary for too long your organs think you've dies and they start shutting down. The old "use it or lose it" theory. Good weather for house cleaning....I should go do some! LOL!

  2. you realize what a wealth of information is contained within your blog? I have an interest in herbal teas and have spent the last hour going through your back blog posts, taking notes. I can't grow the ingredients, but I can certainly order them online. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Sam I Am it was a great time for housework.

  4. Vicki, I love teas, and I feel there is such a good amount of health help within them too. I am ordering another tea I could not get to grow large enough, so my girls will be the "guinea pigs" as well as myself. I am glad you enjoy my blog too.

  5. Teas are my favorite too, I think I'll have to backread your blog too.

  6. Luludou, my husband now swears by my teas for cures too. And some of my kids.


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