Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Roasting Nuts

I decided to mix up my nuts this week.  I used about a cup of each - almonds, cashews and walnuts.  All of course are organic, non-gmo, and chemical free.  Like I said before, if you've ever tasted a raw, unsalted, truly organic cashew, it's not tasty at all.  I read my labels before buying any.  There are so many bad oils added to nuts, even just a single one.  

I decided to use my spiced nut recipe for this mix.  Although we love the rosemary roasted recipe for cashews too.  

Hubby and I love to snack on these.  Yum.  

Walnuts are packed with omega-3 fats, and good for the heart.  Almonds are high in vitamin E, contain fiber, good fats, riboflavin, iron and more.

Although cashews are low in fiber, they are high in copper, phosphorus, and manganese and magnesium.  All relating to good blood vessel health, bone health, muscle health, iron utilization, regulating blood pressure, and more.

All seeds (my favorite are sesame, sunflower, flax and pumpkin) can be rotated for a healthier intake of good fats, vitamins, minerals and hormone balance/support.

Spiced Nuts
1 egg white and 1 tsp water beat until frothy, then add:
1 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
1 tsp. organic cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. organic cayenne pepper, ground
1/4 tsp. organic cumin, ground
1/4 tsp. organic coriander, ground

Nuts and seeds I used this time around:

1 cup raw, unsalted almonds, organic
1 cup raw, unsalted cashews, organic
1 cup raw, unsalted (freshly cracked) walnuts, locally grown
1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds, organic

While the oven heated, I roasted the nuts and seeds.

While they roasted, I mixed the ingredients.  Removed the nuts/seeds from the oven and tossed them in a bowl with mixed ingredients.  I used a pampered chef stoneware pan, but you could use any rimmed pan I believe.  I spread it out flat and baked it for 20 to 25 minutes until they appeared "dry."  I also stirred once during the bake time.  

Cool.  Store in an airtight container.

Roasting Nuts © March 2018 by Kristina at


  1. I use raw cashews in lots of recipes and you're right - plain, they are blah. It's hair-raising to read the list of ingredients in conventionally roasted nuts.

  2. Susan, I tried to explain to a few family members. When you buy a single nut, you'd think it was just a nut. Or mixed nuts too. They put pretty bad oils in them, or even soy.


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