Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday Ta-Da's

First, I have to share, as this is week 3 of my changes in meals, teas and exercise routine.  I weighed in this morning!!  I lost 2.6 lbs. this past week.  I know it won't always be that high, but am ecstatic, because I didn't even walk my 2 mile hike yesterday, and still lost the winter weight. 

Here is why I didn't have time to walk, although I could have if I had gotten my coffee down faster...

I joined Mom with a one day trip to the Amish country within a 2 1/2 hour distance of home.  I also brought along our Youngest daughter, who was on Spring break from school.  The others were either working or had class.  Hubby, was a tired man when I arrived home last night.

I woke up at 1am, and saw Hubby dressed and leaving.   He took a call out for work, and at 5am I was up because I can't sleep when he is gone.  He then worked his normal shift.  Yeah, he was tired.  I did my weight training, ate a few eggs, downed some coffee and got picked up for the trip.

It rained the entire day, and was foggy, but we still had a good time.  Mom made me her "picture taker" so I was in the passenger seat getting them for her, along with my daughter taking pictures from the back seat (raining the entire time).

We shopped until we literally dropped and all stores has closed.  Most closed at 5pm, but the grocery store was open until 6pm (a fun place to get local cheese, breads, bulk foods etc.).  We didn't get to a few other places, but I managed to talk her into going to my favorite restaurant and getting a dinner to go for Hubby.  He devoured it at 9pm when we arrived home.  

We spent quite a long time at the t-shirt vendor, while Mom picked out her shirts.  They had the best music playing there.  I loved this camper shirt, so I snapped a photo, for a future trip.  I just had to be very frugal on this trip, so I snapped photos of everything I liked.  My biggest frugal find was a pair of reader-sunglasses for $6.  Mom bought a pair too.  

It was dark on the way home, but on the way there, I managed to get a few rows into this.  I had to put it down often to give directions and explain to watch out for tight curves in the road.  I'm thinking I should drive next trip, ha ha!  I felt like I was riding with a female version of Mario Andretti (ha ha ha!).  And for those in my family who know how my husband drives some times, this was way more crazier (putting it politely, ha ha ha ha!).

All in all, we came home with local Parmesan that will be going in my freezer, along with beer cheese and Asiago.  I almost brought home live culture probiotic feta, but it was pretty expensive.  Maybe next trip.

Now, since we didn't make it to the health store there, I'll be searching the internet (or calling one store ) within a 25-30 minute drive, to locate dried herb.

I have no idea what's on the agenda today.  I was a bit flabbergasted to find out Hubby has the day off today.  It's wet out and may rain (again).  Have a wonderful Easter weekend.


  1. sounds like an eventful day, hope you have a great easter! :)

  2. Thanks Tricky Wolf. Also thanks for stopping in to visit my blog.

  3. What a fun get-away-for-a-day trip! It's good to get out and about, away from all the household-y responsibilities now and then. Glad you had a chance to do so. I've gone on short trips like that where the only thing that would have made it better was if I had had extra money to indulge in some of the things found along the way. I know you can relate!

    Congrats on the continued weight loss!

  4. Hey Kristina, are all the stores you visited owned by the Amish? I would love to visit if you wanted to share the location.
    It looks like y'all had a fun day! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks Mama Pea, we had a grand time, and now Mom wants to do another "girls" day out again. Over winter I put on a few pounds, even while exercising and I started (as my kids say) freaking out. I am so glad it is coming off and maintaining with just food, herbs and exercise. I hope to write an e-book if this continues to show improvement.

  6. wyomingheart, the area is where Amish live, however sadly, just a few restaurants are run by the Amish. One town alone, had a store where the Amish made totes and bags and purses. It was open one year and then closed. Most stores are run by English, but there are a few good cheese businesses. Wineries are operated by English too. Where we used to just walk the streets and enjoy Amish stores, it is not more built up with expensive jewelry, coffee shops, general stores, and a lot of antiques. In the area we visit, there a a few flea market buildings. These are vendors of home decor, t-shirt decals, purses, bedding (not Amish made), gardening stuff, wall decor, and so forth. Nothing Amish made per say. The scenery is beautiful though if you drive out in the back roads. The restaurants that sell baked goods are often made with bad ingredients to mass produce, and that is what drove me back to making homemade breads, sauces, pies, etc.

  7. What a fun trip! We had Amish near us in Iowa and would go to their general stores and cheese markets. T here are some Amish here also but they just sell jams and baked goods. Glad you and hubby had a day off together!

  8. Sounds like a great trip Kristina! I love all those cheeses you got!!! Drool!!! :) The tshirt is great! Happy Easter and congrats on the weight loss!!! :)

  9. Sam I Am, it was a day trip with my mother and youngest daughter. Hubby and I went a few weeks back. It was a fun trip too.

  10. Rain, the cheese is about the only thing I can buy made by the Amish, and it's very good too. Thanks for the congrats!


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