Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Good ~ The Bad

The Bad: I spilled honey all down the front of my bathrobe.
The Good: My bathrobe got an early spring washing.

The Good:  We are eating a lot more pumpkin and squash this winter (thank you Garden!)
The Bad:  I haven't eaten a fresh lettuce salad in months.

(cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash, snap peas, onion, carrots were added last)

The Good:  All of this delicous-ness came from my garden - Chicken Teriyaki was made
Homemade teriyaki sauce was made.  This stuff is amazing.  I make our teriyaki dinner vegetarian style, by cooking the organic chicken on the side.  I scoop down into the sauce, and get the garlic bits and cook a few spoonfuls over the chicken. Mmm.  So good.  I make a non-gmo wild rice for the dish too.

The Bad:  We have zero bell peppers in the freezer. No peppers made it into the dinner.

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The Bad:  My car broke down on my daughter on her way to work Thursday, and she had to return home within less than a mile.  We couldn't figure out what was making the noise. Thankfully, she made it home safely.

The Good:  A family friend (saved our bums twice now with repairs) came to the house, took the right front tire off and found the caliper came off and bolts had worked their way loose and fixed my car.  It will only cost us to take him out for dinner to thank him.  Or make a homemade dinner here. 

The Good:  Dogs are getting along most of the time with Grand-pup here.

The Bad:  King knows how to tell time, and this is his 3:00pm stare down telling me to feed him, when we are trying to make a compromise with Grand-pup's dinner time.  He hates to wait another hour and a half.  It's much easier to feed them all at the same time.

The Good:  There is still talk of the February craft show happening. It is driving me nuts that they haven't given me a date yet.  I found $7 and a lost crochet hook while doing a small deep clean area.

The Bad:  I'm not getting enough done around here due to the crocheting I'm doing, to prep for it. I need to finish up deep cleaning jobs, organize and be ready for planting season.  


  1. What a handsome dog, he has such a beautiful face. Good news about the car, car repairs can be a nightmare.

  2. mamasmercantile, I was so stressed that day, considering we just went through several expensive repairs (and that's with just buying parts, as my Hubby and family friends usually can do the repairs).

  3. I'm almost afraid to post a comment...I looked like such an idiot the last time. :) Your foods always looks healthy, and good! I like the car sign, That's about the truth!

  4. Oh how I miss lettuce!!! That Car Repair chart is funny but scary lol...glad it all went well! Oh, when I drop stuff on my robe, I just call the dogs over to clean me up lol! ;)

  5. Henny Penny, your comments are very welcome. Yes, the sign is pretty accurate, ha ha!

  6. Rain, we are already talking about what lettuce to plant this spring.

  7. Glad your daughter got home safe and that you have a friend that could help you out....'angels among us"! Teriyaki sounds good. I haven't had that in ages. I feel the same many things i want to get done. Good luck with all of them!

  8. Sam I Am, my vegetarian daughter was eating rice and noodles, so I am teaching her how to cook fresh veggies and make homemade teriyaki sauce. She wants the recipe for when she moves out, it's that good (and much healthier than store bought sauce). It was very nice to have the car repair help. We are out in the boonies too, and no one likes to drive that far to help.


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