Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday One Liners

Plantain tea (1 teaspoon dried plantain weed, 1 cup of boiling water - steep) is good for an upset stomach.

Comfort food - Pumpkin-Sage Macaroni and beets.

Restocked my homemade shampoo.

Official date for using the very last, garden grown potato - January 16, 2018.

Ambiance for a cold, dark winter day.

We are starting to see a few beautiful sunrises, although the chicken's water continues to freeze.


  1. Great post with one-liners! The sunrise is gorgeous. I can't see sun rises or sunsets as there are too many trees here and I really miss seeing them. Another reason to get back North!
    I have candles going all the is so Hygge! Is your macaroni spaghetti squash? It looks so good!

  2. That is a beautiful sunrise! It looks cold though. Frozen chicken's water sure gets old, doesn't it!

  3. I left a comment earlier but it didn't go through?? I love that beautiful sunrise and the reflection on the snow. Oh, freezing chicken's water sure gets old, doesn't it!

  4. Sam I Am, it's a non-gmo macaroni, called Radiatori, with pumpkin in it. The photo made it yellow, but it's more orange.

  5. Henny Penny, we are due for a warm up for sure.


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