Sunday, January 21, 2018

My Best ~ Grand Pup ~ Peaches

I've never been one to eat oranges.  I'm not sure why, or maybe it was not introduced to me on a regular basis growing up?  Anyway, I am doing my best to be vigilant with all good foods this winter (on account of sickness on the rise too).  Clementines have made their way into my diet for the first time in a long time.  Regularly.  It's hard to find organic citrus this time of year too.  The store even cut back the size of bagged organic apples (so no canning applesauce yet).

I have also realized, with my scale not moving for weeks, that I am not getting enough protein (or I'm building muscle right now).  I've been adding more to my breakfast and lunch now.  Black beans mashed with onion (cooked in the crock pot all day), topped with home canned yellow squash relish has been my favorite to eat with eggs lately. 

Of course I can't eat the same thing every day, so I'm on a mission to mix things up, and get more natural protein.

I'm working on another high packed protein breakfast dish.  I hope to try it soon too.

Here is Jesse, giving me the stare down at dinner time.  This time it was him who wanted fed early.  He whined and whined for an hour at me.  He is now back with his Mom.  I'm sure he enjoyed his visit with us too.  He loves wandering the pasture and sniffing everything.

While looking around in my freezer, looking for who knows what, I found peaches.  To my delight, I decided to make us a peach cobbler.
It was dark when I took the photo.  It was cooling in my bedroom because I have "food sharks" and it was late.

I used Einkorn's Triple Berry Cobbler recipe (it's online on their website), but used the frozen peaches instead.  I figured if I didn't have a full 3 cups I could add blueberries to it, however I had plenty of peaches.  I used brown sugar (3/4 cup) in place of 1 cup sucanat.  It turned out delicious.  The only thing I would do next time, is add something to it like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves or mace.   It just needed a tad of flavoring to compliment the peaches.


  1. The cobbler looks delicious, I could just eat that.

  2. What a hoot is Jesse! He looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his head! LOL! My Rott, Nitty does the same thing...Annie the dachsund just barks. It's like ESP with the ones that stare....after awhile you just know what they want. The cobbler looks yummy!

  3. mamasmercantile, I can't wait to have raspberries and blackberries this summer. Then I can make the triple berry one too.

  4. Sam I Am, he is so funny for sure. I will miss him. The cobbler was very good.

  5. Love Jesse’s big blue eyes! And the cobble looks delicious, especially during these January days.

  6. Grateful Prayer, the cobbler was even better the second day. I was surprised we had any leftover.


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