Friday, January 5, 2018

Garden Planning ~ Lunch Packings ~ Chicken Treat

Looked what arrived in the mail.  It's my current "read."  Thank you Leigh for telling me about this company.  I am having a fun time looking through it, and planning the garden this coming spring.   What is your favorite seed source?  

I got the "Mom!" alert yesterday. School lunch packings were at a minimum.  

I baked up some strawberry chocolate chip muffins.  Yum. Do you have a favorite fruit muffin?  I can't say this is our very favorite, but it's one of them.

I also made a pan of homemade smoked almonds.  However, the joke is on me.  School called last night and said they would be closed today.  Although it's -2°F outside this morning, if feels like -18°F.  It will be colder tomorrow yet.

I treated my ladies and "Stud Muffin" Sparta (aka chickens and rooster) to some warm, cooked oatmeal.  They chowed it down too.  If you are wondering how I go those three plates out to the barn in one trip, along with a watering unit, I took them out on a sled.  It's been a big help this winter (the sled).  I use it for firewood as well, and to get the feed to the barn.


  1. Ooh! I’d love this muffin recipe! Since I’m stuck inside today, I might try making those almonds, too. I always make twice the quantity I need when making oatmeal - you’re right, the hens love it!

  2. So nice to stop by and visit with you! Those muffins... yes, please! My husband is working from home today because of the snow and cold and he requested oatmeal for breakfast this morning. Liking your sled idea too.
    All the best in the New Year!

  3. My goodness that is cold. I am a great fan of a blueberry muffin.

  4. Susan, I sort of tossed ingredients together and made up the recipe, and will be happy to share. I'll write it up and post soon. The almonds are so much tastier than plan ol' raw almonds too.

  5. mamasmercantile, I also have a recipe for blueberry/strawberry muffins. Yum.

  6. Cold!I do the hot oatmeal too for our hens, they love it

  7. You are a good Mom even to the chickens! Stay grands are off because of the cold too...the buses won't start!

  8. Often have oatmeal at lunch when it is colllld. Yes the multiple l's were for emphasis.
    Kristina any chance of talking you out of your blueberry/strawberry muffin recipe?

  9. Nancy, I think they were mad at me the other day when I didn't take oatmeal out, ha ha! They just looked at me like, "Hey lady, where's the goods?"

  10. Sam I Am, the school told students they would not delay no matter how cold it got, but they closed. Not sure they can tell the students that either. I believe if the weather is a specific temp they have to close.

  11. Goatldi, I will be sharing muffin recipes soon.

  12. HI Kristina, just catching up again! I really like Pinetree Garden Seeds


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