Thursday, January 4, 2018

Random Tidbits ~ Homemade Tea bags

It's cold.  Very, very cold.  However, we warmed up to a 10°F this morning.  It actually feels warm, ha ha!  The high today is 11°F.

My kitchen is back to the basics and we are loading up on greens.  It was so nice to have enough eggs to make a
veggie/green packed frittata yesterday.  It smelled so good!

I've been invited to join a book club that starts in March.  I start working in the garden(s) in April/May, so I'm debating it.  I would like to do something different though.  The pressure is on. . . or off.

I made several fennel seed tea bags for Hubby to take to work.  He's been suffering from acid re-flux, and he can simply heat water at work and get instant relief.   I simply heat the edge of the tea bag with my iron to seal the bag.  They are press and seal tea bags from Mountain Rose Herbs.  I only use a little bit, and you only need one cup for it to work.  Too much fennel can be toxic.

I told him I can tell he's been eating processed food at work (when he works over).  He regrets it now.  Last night was a millet dinner night.  Today?  I have no idea.  It may be a grilled cheese/green tomato chutney sandwich with a soup from the freezer kind of day.  This cold weather hurts my joints, so I'm loading up on the nettles.

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