Saturday, January 6, 2018

This and That ~ Goodbye Netflix ~ Staying Fit in Winter

There is a book at the library, I've had on hold for a long time. There are only two copies, and people are renewing and renewing, and I am still 18 on the wait list.  I'm considering buying it, but I don't have time to read this month (just yet).

We've dropped Netflix.  Sigh.  Hubby told me it went up to $10.99/month.  That is $131.88 a year now.  Amazon prime is cheaper than that.  So far we dropped cable, now Netflix, and still do not have a big antenna. We get a few channels'll be borrowing movies from the library for free for awhile.  We are considering another option, but is it really worth it?  We have bigger fish to fry, so it'll wait for now. Anyone else drop Netflix?

I'm giving it my all, with staying fit this winter.  I am back to using my fitness journal, only because it reminds me every day to move a bit.  It's not like I have to get out to the garden yet, so I spend about one hour with the ol' treadmill and weights.  I mean I need to anyway, those bags of feed aren't getting any lighter.


  1. We have Netflix through our sons account. Maybe you could share with someone. We used to have Hulu but THEY dropped us. They sent a letter with no explanation. We have Apple TV but that’s no better than anyone else. It’s all ‘six of one and half dozen of another’ with them. They ‘allow’ you to watch old, crappy shows but you still have to pay for the ones you really want to see. We rent about 6-8 movies a year through Apple. We’ll probably go back to renting from the library, though. It’s cheaper and easier. Another son just bought us the Roku; it’s no different then the others. I have no desire to even learn how to use it. Why does anyone need four or five remotes? Crazy!

  2. Debbie, you made me laugh about the remotes. Yeah, I'm using the library unless we hook up on another family member's account. When we did have it, the movies kept stalling on us too.

  3. We buy DVDs from car boot sales/charity shops and have quite a collection that have cost us very little. I am impressed with your commitment to exercise.

  4. mamasmercantile, I am trying very hard to maintain health and weight. I have a slow thyroid, and it's not easy to keep the weight down by just eating healthy. And it helps with gardening. Bending down on knees, my back, arms etc. Good tips on the DVD's too. Thanks.

  5. I have Netflix as a gift from my son and I have Amazon Prime but I'm dropping it...I've only had it for a few months but it's not worth it for me.

  6. Sam I Am, that is nice your son did that for you.


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