Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 4th Fun

I was so excited to hear Hubby could take a little vacation time, so I started doing laundry, watering houseplants.....oh the fun that awaited.

First the garden got a good watering.  Hubby took to the vegetable garden, and I to the flower and herb gardens.  

With dogs and farm animals vacationing is a bit tricky.  I'm glad a few adult kids cold help out. 

Hubby surprised us and booked a hotel near a large firework display.   We stayed overnight and watched the show from our hotel window.  They had music to go along, via the radio station, and we listened and watched from the 6th floor.  It was a very nice show.

We took advantage of the hotel amenities. The kids went swimming and in the morning a few of us used the hotel gym.  I was one of them.

We also took the kids to a nearby go kart track.  This was the largest, and busiest track we've visited so far.  I, at my height, had a horrible time getting back out of my car and when I did Hubby was standing, laughing and taking a photo of me.  Oh the laughs we had.  We played a round of putt putt there as well, as it was included in the cost.  



Sam I Am...... said...

So glad you got to get away! Although, if I still had my farm I would have stayed home...I love the peace and quiet but you guys are still young and have youngsters....they want to see some action! LOL!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Sam I Am, I too wanted to simply stay home on the 4th. When the youngest ones grow up more, I will be, ha ha!

Mama Pea said...

It is important to do things that the kids can enjoy, too. And, of course, that's very different than what two adults would choose to do! Different stages of our lives. And yours will change as time goes on, but you'll have these present adventures to look back on and remember. So will the kids . . . with good feelings.

RB said...

Sounds wonderful. What a blessing you all had such a great time. It's so nice to shake the dust of normal routine off from time to time.
Prayers for those who are hurt and grieving for loved ones.
Prayers for a happy safe weekend for us all.
God bless.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thank you RB.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Mama Pea, that is true.