Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Morning Deer

I got up early to water my flower beds and to water the watermelon plants.  It was probably just before 7am when I looked out across the property.  A doe was standing in the bean field and munching away.  With the crops being rotated this year, I can see the deer more often.  Last year's corn fields gave them a way to hide.  This year I have a feeling we will see many more deer.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Roses ~ June 2010

 Blue Moon Rose

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Potato blooms

After a few days of rain, the potato plants are blooming. Many of the seeds that recently sprouted, are rising a few inches after each rain also. It's too wet to work the garden today, but if the rain holds out I will weed and hoe tomorrow. It's fun to see what's growing each day.
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Monday, May 31, 2010

History of Memorial Day ~ Do kids today really know the meaning?

I was astonished this morning.  As I put our United States flag outside, I asked my younger two girls if their school taught them the meaning of Memorial Day.  We watch parades, we see the flags, but do we teach our kids the real meaning?  The answer to that is sad.  My children have not been taught in school.  If it were not for free printable worksheets, free books from the library, and quality time with my kids, they would not be taught.

My 2nd grader said, "we got coloring pages" and my 5th grader said her teacher "mentioned" it in passing but there was no real teaching involved.  With the state test taking and requirements, teacher are not teaching kids in school today.  They are being taught to pass a test, and in doing so, have bypassed history and other teachings in the race against statistics. 

So if you are a parent and you have relied on the schools to teach your children about Memorial Day, and you have asked them about it and they cannot answer you, here are some links for on-line help.  Don't forget to use your library.  Even after Memorial Day, you can still teach through activities, hands-on crafts, poetry writing, and so much more.

The Online Teacher Resource, Memorial Day Worksheets/Printables
Enchanted Learning, Memorial Day Crafts, Projects, and Worksheets
Patriotic Craft Ideas
The, Memorial Day Lesson Plans and Activities

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kids are flying kites!

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Who says you need electronics to have fun?!

New Crocheted Blanket - In Progress

This one is for my 8 year-old's Hope Chest. The other kids could not make up their minds. This is an "in progress" photo, but you can get an idea of the the pattern. This is a ripple pattern from a very old library book that was discarded. I think the older patterns are much easier to read and follow.
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