Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Latest crochet project for Christmas 2009

These are not the best pictures. I tried to take the photo, avoiding shadows. Today I was blessed with a lot of porch time - ALONE! The kids, prior to leaving me, were discussing what I would be doing all by myself. It doesn't happen very much at all. In fact, I can't remember the last time I had more than a 1/2 hour to myself.

This is the project I just completed. It's a purse for my niece. I hope she likes the colors and the button I used. It reminds me of the colors of India. It measures about 16 inches from the top of the handle to the bottom.

If I have more time later, I may crochet her a chapstick holder to put inside it. Now....if I could just think of something to crochet for my nephew? Maybe I can swindle my daughter to macrame a boys bracelet or necklace? Hmmm. I'll have to think more on that.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunset on September 5, 2009


Here is our chicken named "Road Runner". She's not the biggest, but the fastest. She's also the first to start laying eggs. They are all locked up nice a tight to keep "Foxy Loxy" away. We also put all the kittens into a dog cage for the night. They are safe too.

Fox in the Field

Here is a photo my son took today. A fox was right in front of the house, walking through this plowed wheat field. He's not very big either. This is the first fox we have seen around here. It's dove hunting season here, so he/she must be out hunting too. This was very neat to see today.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What to do with all of your spaghetti squash

I found this wonderful Web site with wonderful recipes using spaghetti squash. I can't wait to try some. Next year we will add more to the garden. YUM!

Healthy Recipes for Kids - Spaghetti Squash

Teaching Geography to Kids ~ Making it Fun!

I found the most interesting regarding teaching kids geography! It's called "The Everything Kids' Geography Book". I wish I had this book when I was a kid. The authors combined so many other areas of learning with learning geography. One of the kids may find a copy of it in under the Christmas tree this winter. If you can get a copy at your library, take a look at it. It really is a good teaching tool for kids, and the authors make it fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Enjoying our Garden Tomatoes

Our cherry tomatoes were pretty plump. They are the perfect size to top our heart healthy refried beans and low fat cheese burritos. We also topped these with Kale and fat-free sour cream. Yum!